
How to complete your form SR01

Updated 13 January 2025

Follow these guidelines when completing your SR01. We’ll return your form if any of these sections are not correct, or you have not paid the fee.

Part 1: Applicant’s details

Section 1: Applicant’s name

Complete the name of the person applying. You should also include any former names.

Section 2: Applicant’s date of birth

Give the applicant’s full date of birth.

Section 3: Correspondence address

Give an address we can use to contact you about the application.

Section 4: Applicant’s email address

Give an email address we can use to contact you about the application.

Part 2: Address details on the public register

Section 1: Home address to be removed

Show the home address that you want to remove from the public register.

You cannot remove a registered office address from the public register – even if it was your home address.

Section 2: Replace with service address

If you’re a current serving officer, you must give a new address that you want to replace your home address.

If you’re no longer a serving officer, or the company is dissolved, you do not need to complete this section.

Part 3: Documents on the public register

Section 1: Document details

Enter the details of the documents that show the home address. You must give the document type or the number and title of the form and the registration date. The registration date is the date that we registered the document.

You can only remove your home address from this list of documents.

Part 4: Authentication

Enter your printed name. You do not need to include a signature.


It costs £30 to remove an address from each document. There are full instructions on how to send us your SR01 application and pay the fee. We’ll reject your application if you do not pay the correct fee.