Artificial Intelligence for Decarbonisation Innovation Programme: Streams 1 and 2 (closed to applications)
Stream 1 and Stream 2 provide grant support to pilot the development of innovative Artificial Intelligence (AI) approaches for decarbonisation.
The Artificial Intelligence (AI) for decarbonisation innovation programme supports the development of innovative artificial intelligence technologies for decarbonisation applications to support the transition to net zero.
The programme also promotes coordination and collaboration between AI and carbon-emitting sectors in the UK in order to maximise the economic and carbon benefits of AI solutions in solving our most critical decarbonisation challenges.
The programme was delivered in 3 streams.
Stream 1
Stream 1 sought to establish an AI for Decarbonisation’s Virtual Centre of Excellence (ADViCE) with up to £500,000 in grant funding available. The centre will coordinate and engage with AI and decarbonisation stakeholders across relevant sectors in a fair and open way.
This will enable them to achieve key programme objectives, including fostering cross-sector collaboration and coordination, defining key decarbonisation challenges that are tractable to AI solutions, and dissemination to relevant stakeholders.
The centre should have a virtual presence to bring together stakeholders across sectors and across locations. The centre is not required to establish a physical presence, although employees and/or some events may be physically located at the site of a host organisation.
Stream 2
Stream 2 supported the development of innovative AI approaches that will address critical challenges in decarbonisation. The competition supported technologies at Technology Readiness Level (TRL) 3 to 7 at the start of the project.
The total budget was £1 million split across the following lots:
Lot 1
Using AI to enable a faster transition to renewable generation in the electricity system (budget £350,000).
Lot 2
Using AI to decarbonise UK industry by either improving energy productivity or through enabling fuel switching (budget £350,000).
Lot 3
Using AI to decrease agricultural carbon emissions through better control or process change (budget £300,000).
Updates to this page
Competition now closed to applications: we have published details of successful projects from Streams 1 and 2. We have also launched Stream 3 of the competition, closing to applications on 10 October 2023.
Clarification questions with responses updated and a revised version of the project cost breakdown template published that include Higher Education Institutions (HEI) specific sheets.
Stream 2 clarification questions with responses for AI for Decarbonisation Innovation Programme published.
First published.