Artificial Intelligence for Decarbonisation Innovation Programme: successful projects
This programme supports the development of innovative artificial intelligence technologies for decarbonisation applications to support the transition to net zero.
Stream 1 aims to:
- coordinate and foster collaboration on the use of AI technologies for energy and decarbonisation applications
- identify strategic and priority challenges for AI innovation for decarbonisation. This was delivered via an Artificial Intelligence for Decarbonisation’s Virtual Centre of Excellence (ADViCE)
Stream 2 supports the development of innovative AI approaches to help drive decarbonisation in 3 sectors: power, industry and agriculture
Both streams opened for applications in November 2022 and closed in January 2023.
Stream 3 of the programme supports the development of innovative AI approaches for decarbonisation applications:
- generation, demand, transmission and distribution of electricity
- to optimise energy use in decarbonised transportation
- to optimise and identify land use for renewables generation
Stream 3 opened to applications in August 2023 and closed in October 2023.