
Rhoi gwybod am eich cyflwr meddygol (ffurflen B1W)

Rhoi gwybod i’r DVLA am fathau penodol o gyflyrau meddygol os ydych yn yrrwr car neu feic modur.



Gwneud cais am fformat hygyrch.
Os ydych chi'n defnyddio technoleg gynorthwyol (er enghraifft, rhaglen darllen sgrin) a bod angen fersiwn o'r ddogfen hon arnoch mewn fformat mwy hygyrch, e-bostiwch alternative.format@dvla.gov.uk. Rhowch wybod i ni pa fformat sydd ei angen arnoch. Bydd yn ein helpu ni os byddwch chi'n dweud pa dechnoleg gynorthwyol rydych chi'n ei defnyddio.


Updates to this page

Cyhoeddwyd ar 1 April 2012
Diweddarwyd ddiwethaf ar 20 March 2024 + show all updates
  1. Updated English PDF and accessible version.

  2. Updated PDF and medical conditions list.

  3. Updated PDF.

  4. Updated PDF.

  5. Update to Welsh pdf

  6. Updated version of the B1 medical form.

  7. Update to list of conditions.

  8. PDF update

  9. Update to epilepsy section on Welsh form

  10. Updated pdf

  11. Updated PDF

  12. PDF updated

  13. Added translation

  14. PDF updated

  15. Updated pdf

  16. Guillain Barré syndrome removed from list.

  17. Latest version of B1 form added - epilepsy questions (3-7) have been changed.

  18. This form can no longer be used for benign essential tremor.

  19. The main sections of the questionnaire (pages 2 & 3) have been reviewed and changed.

  20. Question 11d on page 3 has been removed, the return form (page 5) has also been updated.

  21. First published.

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