Transparency data
Centre for Data Ethics and Innovation Agenda - Advisory Board Meeting 1
Updated 12 October 2023
27th October 2021
Board Attendees:
- Edwina Dunn - Interim Chair (ED)
- Dr Rumman Chowdhury (RC)
- Jack Clark (JC)
- Eddie Copeland (EC)
- Martin Hosken (MH)
- Jessica Lennard (JL)
- Dr Marion Oswald (MO)
- James Plunkett (JP)
- Baroness Kate Rock (KR)
- Richard Sargeant (RS)
- Dr Adrian Weller (AW)
- Dr Mimi Zou (MZ)
CDEI Attendees:
- Felicity Burch - Executive Director
- Louise Sheridan - Deputy Director (Strategy)
- Sam Cannicott - Deputy Director (Projects)
- Team Leads
- Secretariat
Also Attending (DCMS):
- Julia Lopez - Minister for Media, Data and Digital Infrastructure
- Donncha Coleman - Assistant Private Secretary to Minister Lopez
- Phil Earl - Deputy Director for Data Strategy, Implementation and Evidence
- 16:00-16:10 - Welcome from Minister Lopez
- 16:10-16:15 - Intro and Terms of Reference (ToR)
- 16:15-16:35 - AI Assurance
- 16:35-18:00 - Opportunities for Impact
- Breakout sessions rotating every 20 minutes to work on each question below;
- - In which projects of sectors could the CDEI's expertise and involvement be most impactful?
- - What risks exist in the wider ecosystem that the CDEI could play a useful role in mitigating?
- - What partnership models would help the CDEI work most constructively with different partners to help them overcome bespoke challenges?
- 18:00 - Meeting close