Transparency data
Centre for Data Ethics and Innovation Agenda - Board Meeting 11
Updated 12 October 2023
19th March 2020 09.30-12.30
Remote Meeting
Board Attendees:
- Roger Taylor (Chair)
- Dame Glenys Stacey
- Baroness Kate Rock
- Prof Luciano Floridi
- Dame Patricia Hodgson
- Prof Lord Robert Winston
- Rt Revd Dr Steven Croft
- Edwina Dunn
- Dr Adrian Weller
- Dr Susan Liautaud
- Kriti Sharma
- Richard Sargeant
CDEI attendees:
- Ollie Buckley - Executive Director
- Reviews: Ben Lyons (Item 1), Marke Durkee (Item 2)
- AI Monitoring: Benedict Dellot (Item 1)
- AGovernance & Engagement: Louise Pakseresht (All items)
- Strategy & Operations: Alexander Lawrence-Archer (All items)
- 9.30-10.10 - Introduction:
- a. Opening: (5 mins)
- (i) Introductions
- (ii) Declaration of Interests
- (iii) Agree minutes from the last meeting
- For information: Agenda
- For sign-off: Draft minutes from the previous meeting
- b. Chair’s Update: (15 mins)
- c. Executive Director’s Update (10 min)
- d. General CDEI update (10 min)
- (i) Targeting Review Impact Update
- For information: Item 1: CDEI update including: (i) Annex A: Targeting impact report, (ii) Annex B: Organogram
- 10.10-11.00 - Bias Review:
- a. Framing messages and recommendations (40 mins)
- b. Publication plans (date, comms etc.) (10 mins)
- For approval: Item 2: Bias review paper
- 11.00-11.10 - Break
- 11.10-11.50 - Work Programme
- For input: Item 3: Work programme 2020
- 12.10-12.20 - Divery and Inclusion
- For information: Item 5: Diversity and inclusion update
- 12.10-12.30 - AOB and Closing