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Centre for Data Ethics and Innovation Agenda - Board Meeting 18
Updated 12 October 2023
20th May 2021
Board Attendees:
- Roger Taylor (RT)
- Edwina Dunn (ED)
- Dame Patricia Hodgson (PH)
- Dr Susan Liautaud (SL)
- Baroness Kate Rock (KR)
- Dr Adrian Weller (AW)
- Prof Lord Robert Winston (RW)
- Richard Sargeant (RS)
- Kriti Sharma (LF)
- Glenys Stacey (LF)
- Rt Revd Dr Steven Croft (SC)
- Prof Luciano Floridi (LF)
CDEI attendees:
- Ollie Buckley - Executive Director
- Jessica Smith - Deputy Director
- Team leads
- Secretariat
- 14.00-14.05 - Welcome
- Chair's Update
- Declaration of Interests
- Agree minutes from the last board meeting
- 14.05-14.20 - General Update
- For information: CDEI update paper
- 14.20-15.05 - CDEI: 2-year retrospective
- Reflections on the Centre’s work since its establishment and feedback on the draft 2-year retrospective report.
- For comment: Draft 2-year review
- 15.05-15.10 - Comfort break
- 15.10-16.00 - Priorities for new work programme
- Discussion of new work programme focused on Data Sharing; Responsible Public Sector Innovation and AI Assurance.
- For information: Work programme slide deck
- 16.00-16.30 - CDEI & international AI/data policy
- Overview of CDEI international work and of current thinking in Europe and how it relates to the UK approach and CDEI work.
- For information: International AI & data policy discussion paper
- 16.30-16.40 - Meeting close