Transparency data
Centre for Data Ethics and Innovation Agenda - Board Meeting 6
Updated 12 October 2023
18 July 2019
9am - 1 pm
The Alan Turing Institute, British Library, 96 Euston Rd, London NW1 2DB
- Opening
- a. Introductions
- b. Declaration of Interests
- c. Agree minutes from the last meeting
- Reviews
- a. Interim reports
- b. Landscape summaries
- Statutory footing - Presentation and discussion
- Updates - Chair’s Update & Executive Director’s Update
- Reporting - standing items
- a. Forward Look - year ahead (high-level)
- b. Forward Look - next three months (milestones)
- c. Risk Register
- d. Budget - 2018/2020 (forecast vs actual)
- Break
- A&A
- a. AI Barometer
- b. Snapshots: AI and Insurance and Smart Speakers
- Ethical principles and good governance framework
- Technical Panel(s)
- International strategy