Bulk data transfer for sponsors: data values for CAS fields
Technical information for licensed sponsors using bulk data transfers between their IT systems and the sponsorship management system (SMS).
This document is part of the bulk data transfer toolkit for licensed sponsors that are using the sponsorship management system (SMS).
It contains information about data values for technical specialists who are setting up bulk data transfers between a sponsor’s IT system and the SMS.
Updates to this page
Updated guidance.
Technical guide updated to reflect changes to the Sponsor Management System on 24 May 2021 ahead of the launch of the Graduate Route in July.
Guidance updated due to launch of Graduate route in 2021.
Guidance updated to align with changes to the IT system.
Regulated Qualifications Framework code values have been added to the reference data tables, supporting the sponsorship management system. Also minor presentation changes.
Version 11 published.
Updated guidance.
Updated document for use on or after 12 November 2015.
Updated guidance.
Updated document.
Updated guidance.
Updated guidance for licensed sponsors that are using the sponsorship management system (SMS).
First published.