Research and analysis

Bus service improvement plan: phase 1 intervention evaluation

Provides an update on how phase 1 intervention bus improvement plans (BSIPs) are monitored and evaluated in England.

Applies to England


Evaluation of bus service improvement plan (BSIP) phase 1 interventions

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Local transport authorities (LTAs) outside London were invited to submit their bus service improvement plans (BISPs) to the Department for Transport (DfT), following the National Bus Strategy. These laid out plans on how to improve local bus services between April 2022 and March 2025. 

The research focuses on the phase 1 intervention of BSIPs. It also focuses on the:

  • monitoring metrics: bus customer satisfaction, journey time, patronage and punctuality
  • initial findings from the process evaluation 
  • emerging insights on the early signs of initial impacts 

SYSTRA and Frontier Economics conducted the work for DfT

See the bus service improvement plan for more information.

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Published 26 September 2024

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