
Social, behavioural and evaluation research

Social, behavioural and and evaluation research reports, guidance and toolkits that help shape policy and operational delivery across Department for Transport.

Government social researchers provide fit-for-purpose, timely evidence and technical expertise on social and behavioural aspects of transport to inform policy and operational delivery across the Department for Transport (DfT) and its agencies.

Social research generates data and analysis using the methods of social science such as:

  • social surveys
  • focus groups
  • in-depth interviews
  • case studies
  • deliberative research

All the social research we do follows the government social research (GSR) code set out in the Government social research: profession strategy 2015 to 2020.

The DfT social and behavioural research team also provides advice and expertise in the application of behavioural insights to policy and operations.

Behavioural insights is a branch of social science that explains how people make decisions and how this influences their behaviour. This can help policymakers and internal teams design effective solutions to behavioural challenges.

Newer areas of behavioural insights include their application to the behaviour of organisations.


Monitoring and evaluation are important activities for any learning organisation that aims progressively to improve its performance. They allow for systematic learning from past and current activities – ‘what works, what does not work’ and ‘why’. This provides DfT with greater accountability and a strong evidence base for future decision-making.

Accessibility and mobility

Aviation and flying

Social and behavioural research and evaluation reports relating to aviation and flying.


Social and behavioural research and evaluation reports relating to COVID-19.

Cross-cutting and multimodal

Social and behavioural research and evaluation reports relating to cross-cutting and multimodal transport.

Cycling, wheeling and walking


Social and behavioural research and evaluation reports relating to maritime.

Older people and transport

Roads and driving

Social and behavioural research and evaluation reports relating to roads.


Social and behavioural research and evaluation reports relating to rail.

Zero emission vehicles and low carbon transport

Social and behavioural research and evaluation reports relating to zero emission vehicles and low carbon transport.



Updates to this page

Published 28 July 2011
Last updated 26 September 2024 show all updates
  1. 23 social and behavioural pages covering a variety of transport topics added.

  2. Public attitudes to the use of AI in DfT consultations and correspondence added.

  3. Added 'Our changing travel – how people’s travel choices are changing'.

  4. Added 'The experiences of disabled non-users of rail'.

  5. Wheelchair accessible travel: taxi and private hire services research added.

  6. Added message testing studies on transport and coronavirus (COVID-19) research, a report on confidence in using public transport during COVID-19 and a report on vaccination and travel confidence during COVID-19.

  7. Research on the use of mobile phones while driving added.

  8. Addition of Aviation and maritime careers: young people’s perceptions.

  9. Added General Aviation: community and airfields studies.

  10. Added 'Sharing our roads safely' and 'Increasing uptake of cycling following COVID-19 travel disruption' reports.

  11. Added Confidence using transport during COVID-19 and Travel behaviour, attitudes and social impact of COVID-19 reports to collection.

  12. Added Switching to sustainable transport: a rapid evidence assessment.

  13. Added 4 new research reports.

  14. Added 'Mobile phone use by drivers' report.

  15. Added new research reports for travel and ageing population.

  16. Experiences of disabled rail passengers report added to collection page.

  17. 'Behavioural insights interventions to encourage learner drivers to practise more' research published.

  18. 'DfT monitoring and evaluation programme 2017' published.

  19. Link to report - Young people’s travel – what’s changed and why?

  20. Report 'Disabled people’s travel behaviour and attitudes to travel' added.

  21. Transport survey question bank.

  22. DfT monitoring and evaluation programme 2016 update.

  23. Evaluating low cost interventions to encourage the use of sustainable transport.

  24. Social and behavioural questions associated with automated vehicles.

  25. Introduction to social and behavioural research and evaluation.

  26. Latest social research and evaluation reports published.

  27. First published.