Inclusive Transport Strategy scorecard
Scorecard monitoring changes in metrics of disabled people's travel in relation to the Inclusive Transport Strategy.
Scorecard displaying the figures for 23 different metrics in relation to the Inclusive Transport Strategy (ITS) and disabled people’s travel over time.
Figures are presented, where available, for 2019 to 2022, as well as for previous years prior to the implementation of ITS, going back to 2016.
This scorecard will receive its final update in 2024.
The data is presented in:
- a spreadsheet table
- background information and infographics
- background information and infographics - text only version
These documents should be read alongside each other.
The Department for Transport commissioned the National Centre for Social Research (NatCen) to carry out an evaluation of the delivery of the ITS. The scorecard forms part of the overall evaluation and monitors change in the metrics relating to disabled people’s travel.