Research and analysis

Transport and transport technology: public attitudes tracker

Tracking public attitudes to and awareness of transport technologies in England.

Applies to England


Technology tracker: wave 11

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Transport and transport technology: public attitudes tracker wave 11 data set, dictionary and tables

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Technology tracker: wave 10

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Transport and transport technology: public attitudes tracker wave 10 data set, dictionary and tables

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Technology tracker: wave 9

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Transport and transport technology: public attitudes tracker wave 9 data set, dictionary and tables

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Technology tracker: wave 8

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Transport and transport technology: public attitudes tracker wave 8 data set, dictionary and tables

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Transport and transport technology: public attitudes tracker wave 7 summary report

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Transport and transport technology: public attitudes tracker wave 7 data set, dictionary and tables

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Transport and transport technology: public attitudes tracker wave 6 summary report

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Transport and transport technology: public attitudes tracker wave 6 data dictionary and tables

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Transport and transport technology: public attitudes tracker wave 5 summary report

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Transport and transport technology: public attitudes tracker wave 5 data set, dictionary and tables

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Transport and technology: public attitudes tracker wave 4 summary report

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Transport and transport technology: public attitudes tracker wave 4 data set, dictionary and tables

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Transport and technology: public attitudes tracker wave 3 summary report

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Transport and transport technology: public attitudes tracker wave 3 data set, dictionary and tables

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Transport and technology: public attitudes tracker waves 1 and 2 summary report

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Transport and technology: public attitudes tracker waves 1 and 2 appendices

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Transport and transport technology: public attitudes tracker waves 1 and 2 data set, dictionary and tables

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Research into public awareness of and attitudes to current, emerging and future transport technologies, including:

  • car ownership and connectivity
  • electric vehicles
  • self-driving vehicles
  • future of flight
  • e-scooters
  • e-cycles
  • drones
  • Mobility-as-a-Service (MaaS)
  • ride-sharing
  • space tourism and flying taxis

Ipsos UK has run wave 7 (June 2021) to wave 11 (December 2023) of this survey on behalf of the Department for Transport (DfT). Waves 7 to 11 data should not be compared back to previous survey waves due to methodological changes.

The wave 11 data tables include a cross break with the 9 transport user segments developed by DfT.

This research is part of the Future of Transport programme, which aims to shape transport innovation and secure the UK’s position as a leader in the transport sector of the future.

Updates to this page

Published 26 October 2018
Last updated 19 December 2024 + show all updates
  1. Wave 11 data tables updated to include a cross break with 9 transport user segments developed by DfT.

  2. Wave 10 and wave 11 report and research evidence added.

  3. Wave 9 report and research evidence added.

  4. Wave 8 report and research evidence added.

  5. Published Wave 7 summary report, data dictionary and tables.

  6. Published Wave 6 summary report, data dictionary and tables.

  7. Added Wave 5 report and a ZIP file containing accompanying tables, data dictionary and datasets.

  8. Published Wave 4 summary report, data set, dictionary and tables.

  9. The variable urbanisation_3bands has been updated in the data set for waves 1 to 3 combined, within the 'public attitudes tracker wave 3 data set, dictionary and tables' zip file. This follows identification of a coding error that meant urbanisation was being incorrectly derived for 1,225 cases in the wave 3 data (35% of all interviews included in the wave 3 data).

  10. Wave 3 research published.

  11. Document updated to correct battery life figure on page 2 from 42% to 41%.

  12. First published.

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