Public attitudes to the use of AI in DfT consultations and correspondence
Explores public perceptions of the use of artificial intelligence to analyse consultation responses and support the drafting of external correspondence responses.
Applies to England, Scotland and Wales
As part of its wider artificial intelligence (AI) programme, the Department for Transport (DfT) is exploring how AI and machine learning (ML) can improve efficiency and quality across its work. We’ve conducted research to understand public perception of the technology, how to allay concerns and how best to communicate the benefits that DfT will gain from using AI.
The research focused on 2 specific use cases:
- analysing consultation responses
- supporting the drafting of external correspondence responses
DfT commissioned Thinks Insight & Strategy to conduct deliberative research exploring attitudes to DfT applying these use cases through:
- 3 workshops (attended by a total of 71 members of the public in England, Scotland and Wales), which captured views about AI at the start and then again after participants were given information on the 2 use cases
- 10 interviews with members of the public who have engaged with UK government consultations or sent correspondence in the past 2 years
- 9 interviews with DfT stakeholders, such as National Highways, Transport Focus and Transport for the North