Capital Grants (SFI pilot) 2023: Countryside Stewardship
How to choose Countryside Stewardship Capital Grant items if you’re part of the Sustainable Farming Incentive (SFI) pilot scheme.
Applies to England
The Countryside Stewardship (CS) Capital Grants (SFI pilot) 2023 manual consists of:
- applicant’s guidance
- agreement holder’s guidance
- CS terms and conditions
Use the guidance to apply for a CS Capital Grant (SFI pilot) from 5 January 2023.
Read the applicant’s guide to find out if you’re eligible for a grant and how to apply.
Read the agreement holder’s guide to find out how to manage your agreement and make a claim for payment.
Contact Rural Payments Agency
Quote your single business identifier (SBI) and agreement number for all enquiries.
Call us: 03000 200 301
(Monday to Friday 8:30am to 5pm, except bank holidays)
Write to us:
Rural Payments Agency (CS)
PO Box 324
S95 1DF
Updates to this page
FG14, FG16 and FG17 added to the bottom of the table at section 2.4
Updated Important dates and main changes section to say the application has now closed and SFI pilot agreement holders can access the CS Capital Grants offer alongside their SFI pilot standards agreement.
Updated to show agreement length is 3 years.
We have removed the budget limits on the value of capital items you can apply for in each of the 4 groups (boundaries, trees and orchards, water quality, air quality and natural flood management). Update to Section 2 - There is no limit on either the maximum amount for any application or the amount you can apply for in each of the 4 groups. You can apply for CS Capital Grants 2023 on land which is not eligible for CS Capital Grants (SFI Pilot).
First published.