Cervical screening: auditing procedures
Sets out the national procedures for auditing cases of invasive cervical cancer.
This guidance sets out the national procedures for auditing cases of invasive cervical cancer as part of the NHS Cervical Screening Programme (CSP) in England. The main guidance document includes:
- auditing arrangements
- who does what in audits
- information about the reviewing processes
- analysis of audit data
This publication also includes:
- the process for reviewing SurePath liquid-based cytology (LBC) slides
- blank audit forms for services to fill in
- a checklist to guide colposcopy review
Completed spreadsheets should be saved locally and referred to during discussions as necessary.
This publication was previously published by Public Health England, which closed on 30 September 2021.
Updates to this page
In the details, changed 'originally published by Public Health England' to 'previously published by Public Health England'.
Added clarification that publication was originally published by Public Health England.
Updated and converted into HTML. Added new information on HPV testing process review, changes to the slide review process post-October 2021 and a new document outlining the SurePath cytology slides, forms and tools.
First published.