
Change the details of a director (CH01)

Use this form to change the details of an individual who is a director.


Change your director's details online

CH01 change of director's details


You can only use this form to register changes to a director’s name or address.

To appoint a director, use form AP01.

To correct a director’s date of birth, use form RP CH01.

Use our online service to update your company’s information as quickly as possible.

You must file online if your company is in the PROOF (PROtected Online Filing) scheme.

It takes longer to process paper forms sent to us by post.

Nationalities and countries

Use our list of nationalities and countries to complete your form. We’ll only accept entries from this standard list.

Updates to this page

Published 19 September 2014
Last updated 9 February 2018 show all updates
  1. Link added to nationalities and countries list.

  2. Updated version of CH01 pdf added.

  3. Form version 7

  4. New version uploaded

  5. Online filing option added

  6. First published.

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