
CHIEF error codes E02800 to E02999

Look up an error code if you enter wrong information into the CHIEF database system if you’re an importer or exporter.


CHIEF error codes E02800 to E02999


Not all of the error responses currently have a solution.

You can contact the CHIEF Operations Team at email: if:

  • you find an error response that does not have a solution
  • the solution needs to be clearer
  • you need information on CHIEF error code responses that have not been included on the trade version of the help text

All the error codes are 1 letter and 5 numbers, so if you’ve got CHIEF error message E2801 you’ll need to look at E02801.

Updates to this page

Published 6 December 2014
Last updated 9 November 2021 show all updates
  1. The list of CHIEF error codes has been updated.

  2. CHIEF error codes E02928, E02966 and E02977 have been updated.

  3. Revised CHIEF error codes 02800 to 02999 published.

  4. First published.

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