Children Act 1989: care planning, placement and case review
Statutory guidance about local authority support to children and families.
Applies to England
This statutory guidance applies to:
- local authorities
- children’s services directors
- children’s services social workers
- front-line managers who have particular responsibilities in relation to looked-after children
- managers and commissioners of services for looked-after children
Statutory guidance sets out what you must do to comply with the law. You should follow the guidance unless you have a very good reason not to.
The guidance is also relevant to Children’s Trust partner agencies and to providers of services to looked-after children, including private, voluntary and public sector providers and foster carers.
The document consolidates a number of separate documents we’ve previously published, including ‘Delegation of authority to foster carers’.
This is volume 2 in a series of 5 related statutory guidance publications:
- Volume 1 - Children Act 1989: court orders
- Volume 2 - Children Act 1989: care planning, placement and case review
- Volume 3 - Children Act 1989: transition to adulthood for care leavers
- Volume 4 - Children Act 1989: fostering services
- Volume 5 - Children’s homes regulations, including quality standards: guide
Updates to this page
Added The Children Act 1989 guidance and regulations Volume 2: care planning, placement and case review 2021.
This incorporates all supplements published to March 2015 and includes 'Delegation of authority to foster carers'.
Added 'Permanence, long-term foster placements and ceasing to look after a child' document.
Added a fourth supplement following regulation updates: 'Out-of-authority placement of looked-after children'.
Updated 'Early permanence placements and approval of prospective adopters as foster carers' document.
Added looked after children and youth justice supplementary guidance.
First published.