Children's social care market study final report
The Competition and Markets Authority (CMA) has published its final report into its market study into children’s social care provision.
Applies to England, Scotland and Wales
On 12 March 2021 we launched a market study into the supply of children’s social care in England, Scotland and Wales, in response two major concerns that had been raised with us about how the placements market was operating. First, that local authorities were too often unable to access appropriate placements to meet the needs of children in their care. Second, that the prices paid by local authorities were high and this, combined with growing numbers of looked-after children, was placing significant strain on local authority budgets, limiting their scope to fund other important activities in children’s services and beyond.
The final report sets out our findings and our recommendations to the UK Government, Scottish Government and Welsh Government. In recognition of the different contexts in each of England, Scotland and Wales, we draw together the main conclusions and recommendations for each nation in its own dedicated summary.