CHP Scheme Self-Assessment Form F3 and F3(S)
Complete Self-Assessment form F3 or F3(S) for proposed, new and upgraded CHP Schemes
Form F3
Form F3 provides a description and Self-Assessment of a proposed new CHP Scheme (at final design stages or under construction) or an upgrade of the prime mover of an existing Scheme. It enables schemes which are not yet operational to provide technical details and anticipated performance, based on design information prior to commissioning.This Self-Assessment will determine what portion of the Scheme fuel inputs, power outputs and capacity qualify as Good Quality CHP. Form F3 requires information under the following main headings:
- Scheme identification
- General site information
- Project background, state of development and timescales
- Site energy demands
- Scheme equipment details
- Scheme performance details (design and expected operation)
- Scheme monitoring arrangements (existing or proposed)
- Simple Self-Assessment based on expected annual average and MaxHeat operation (Heat and Power Efficiencies and QI only)
- Threshold Criteria for Good Quality CHP relevant to Scheme size and type
- Calculation of the qualifying power capacity (CHPQPC) for Schemes that do not meet the QI Threshold
- For Schemes expected to begin Initial Operation in the current calendar year:
- Calculation of energy inputs and outputs for the remaining part of the calendar year
- Threshold criteria for Good Quality for Schemes in initial operation
- Calculation of the qualifying fuel input, CHPQFI and qualifying power output, CHPQPO for annual operation for that year only
- Exports of electricity and heat
- Declaration
- List of attachments
Form F3(S)
Form F3(S) is only to be used for proposed new and upgraded reciprocating engine CHP Schemes that:
- will be less than 2MWe CHPTPC in size
- will use a single conventional fuel e.g. natural gas, diesel
- will include a single prime mover, together with associated heat recovery equipment, within the Scheme boundary
- will not include heat only boilers
- will meet the Threshold Criteria for Good Quality CHP at the design, specification, tendering and approval stages
- will meet a projected power efficiency of 20% or more.
Guidance Notes for Form F3 and Form F3(S)
CHPQA Guidance Notes for completing these forms are available here:
- Self-Assessment for Proposed New and Upgraded CHP Schemes (Form F3)
- Self Assessment of Proposed New CHP Schemes (Form F3(S))
What happens next
For a completely new Scheme, Form F1 must be submitted to enable registration of the Scheme with the CHPQA programme. Following registration, Form F3 must be completed by the Responsible Person to provide details of the Scheme and to undertake the Self-Assessment. The information provided will be validated by the CHPQA Administrator and forms the basis on which the initial CHPQA Certificate is issued. CHPQA Certification of new Schemes will be used by Government to assess eligibility for available benefits.
Form F4 (self assessment of existing Scheme) and F2 must be submitted in the first January of Initial Operation (assuming the self assessment is based on at least 1 month of data in CHP mode in the previous calendar year).