
CHP Scheme Self-Assessment Form F4 and F4(S)

CHP Scheme. Complete Self-Assessment form F4 for existing schemes 2MWe or over and F4(S) for schemes under 2MWe



Form F4

Form F4 is used to undertake the annual Self-Assessment of an existing CHP Scheme, described in Form F2, in order to ascertain the portions of its inputs, outputs and capacity that qualify as Good Quality CHP. The Self-Assessment requires:

  • The period of operation on which Self-Assessment is based
  • Declaration of energy inputs
  • Declaration of energy outputs (power)
  • Declaration of energy outputs (useful heat)
  • Calculation of CHP Scheme efficiencies
  • Calculation of CHPQFI, where necessary
  • Calculation of Quality Index (QI)
  • Calculation of CHPQPO, where necessary
  • Calculation of CHPQPC, where necessary
  • Declaration of exported electricity and heat

F4 is used for all Schemes with TPC 2 MWe or over and for Schemes with TPC <2MWe if boilers are included or if the prime mover is not a reciprocating engine. A simpler form F4S can be used for schemes with installed capacity less than 2 MWe.

Form F4(S)

Simplified form F4(S) only applies to Reciprocating Engine CHP Schemes that:

  • are less than 2MWe CHPTPC in size
  • use only a single conventional fuel e.g. natural gas, diesel
  • only include a single prime mover, and which is a reciprocating engine, together with associated heat recovery equipment, within the Scheme boundary
  • do not include heat only boilers

Where Schemes do not meet the Power Efficiency Threshold Criteria for Good Quality CHP the full version of this form (Form F4) must be completed in order to attain certification.

When to complete F4 or F4(S)

Form F4 must be completed annually for each CHP Scheme. Any major change or upgrade to the CHP Scheme, e.g. boundary changes or additional plant, must be notified by submission of a new F2 with an updated line diagram. This should be submitted at the same time as the Self-Assessment Form F4 that covers that year’s performance.

Guidance notes for Form F4 and F4(S)

CHPQA Guidance Notes for completing these forms are available here:

What happens next

The information provided will be validated by the CHPQA Administrator and forms the basis on which the CHPQA Certificate is issued. CHPQA Certification of new Schemes will be used by Government to assess eligibility for available benefits.

Form F4 or F4(S) is resubmitted each year with scheme performance details for the previous calendar year enabling a new CHPQA certificate to be issued. If there are any significant changes to the scheme (e.g. boundaries, metering) a new Form F2 or F2(S), must also be resubmitted.

Updates to this page

Published 10 January 2014
Last updated 16 January 2017 show all updates
  1. CHPQA forms F4 and F4S revised

  2. CHPQA Forms have been revised.

  3. First published.

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