Civil tenders
Information for legal aid providers interested in applying to deliver services under civil categories.
This information supports the tender process for organisations wishing to deliver actions against the police, public law or clinical negligence services from November 2015 and other tender activities in civil categories of law.
Further supporting information
Draft documents for 2015 Standard Civil Contract
Latest updates
16 November 2017 - Expressions of Interest open today for Housing & Debt Services in Buckinghamshire and HPCDS services in Milton Keynes and Blackpool & Preston.
Expressions of interest are invited from 2013 Standard Civil Contract holders for the delivery of housing and debt services in the Buckinghamshire procurement area.
This opportunity is for the delivery of services until new contracts start on 1 September 2018. It is open to all holders of the 2013 Standard Civil Contract, and is not limited to current housing and debt providers.
We are interested in hearing from organisations able to meet the requirements of the 2013 Standard Civil Contract in full. However, we will also consider applications from organisations which feel unable to fully meet the ‘permanent presence’ or the ‘supervisor’ requirements.
Housing Possession Court Duty Schemes
Expressions of interest are also invited from 2013 Standard Civil Contract holders currently delivering housing and debt services. This is for the delivery of the following Housing Possession Court Duty Schemes (HPCDS) until new contracts start on 1 October 2018:
- Milton Keynes (delivered at Milton Keynes County Court and Family Court) and/or
- Blackpool & Preston (delivered at Blackpool County Court and Family Court and Preston Combined Court Centre
These opportunities are open to all 2013 Standard Civil Contract holders currently delivering housing and debt services, and is not limited to current HPCDS providers.
However, we will give preference to those who hold a HPCDS exclusive schedule at the office from which they bid to run the scheme.
How to apply
Organisations interested in delivering these services must complete the relevant Expression of Interest document and return it by the deadline of 12pm on Thursday 30 November 2017 to:
The Expression of Interest document is available on this page under ‘Documents’.
Please note: this process is separate to the tender process for Civil 2018 contracts.
Previous updates
24 July 2017: Notice of outcome - Expression of Interest for Immigration and Asylum Supplementary Matter Starts
We have today published the outcome of a recent Expression of Interest for Supplementary Matters Starts to deliver Immigration and Asylum Legal Help in the London and/or Mid, South West and Coastal Kent Access Points.
A list of successful providers is available on this page under ‘Documents’.
9 March 2017 - Notice of outcome: Expression of interest for supplementary matter starts for miscellaneous work to deliver legal help relating to trafficking and modern day slavery compensation claims
Following the publication of an Expression of Interest the Legal Aid Agency (LAA) has allocated matter starts to 31 Standard Civil Contract (Contract) holders for miscellaneous work to deliver legal help for civil compensation claims arising in connection with trafficking and modern day slavery.
The notice of outcome document containing a list of successful providers is available on this page under ‘Documents’.
9 March 2017 - Immigration and asylum services expression of Interest opens today.
Expressions of interest are invited from 2013 Standard Civil Contract holders currently delivering immigration and asylum services to deliver supplementary matter starts in the London and/or Mid, South West and Coastal Kent access points.
This is to specifically address demand for immigration and asylum legal help in these access points which has arisen from a) asylum seekers being transferred from other areas of the UK to London by National Asylum Seeker Support (NASS) and b) an increase in Unaccompanied Asylum Seeking Children (UASC) following the closure of the camp at Calais.
Organisations interested in delivering these services must complete the Expression of Interest document and return it by the deadline of 12 noon on Thursday 23 March 2017 to:
The expression of interest document is available on this page under ‘Documents’.
23 February 2017 - Housing and Debt Services Expression of Interest opens today for North Hertfordshire.
We have today published an Expression of Interest document for the delivery of face to face Housing and Debt Services in the North Hertfordshire procurement area.
We are inviting Expressions of Interest from organisations who currently hold a 2013 Standard Civil Contract and would be interested in delivering Housing and Debt services in North Hertfordshire.
This opportunity is open all holders of the 2013 Standard Civil Contract. It is not limited to current housing and debt providers
We are interested in hearing both from organisations able to meet the requirements of the 2013 Standard Civil Contract in full, and also from those who feel unable to fully meet the Permanent Presence or the Supervisor requirements.
Organisations interested in delivering these services must complete the relevant Expression of Interest document and return it by the deadline of 12 noon on Thursday 09 March 2017 to:
The Expression of Interest document is available on this page under ‘Documents’.
15 December 2016 - Expression of Interest opens today for Supplementary Matter Starts for Miscellaneous work relating to trafficking and modern day slavery compensation claims.
We have today published an Expression of Interest for Supplementary Matter Starts for Miscellaneous Work to deliver legal help relating to trafficking and modern day slavery compensation claims, under paragraphs 32(2) and (3) and 32A (2) and (3) of Part 1 of Schedule 1 of LASPO
This opportunity is open to all holders of the 2013, 2014, 2015 or 2016 Standard Civil Contract (‘Contract’) and are interested in delivering a fixed number of 10 Supplementary Matter Starts to be used specifically for providing Legal Help in relation to such compensation claims under paragraphs 32(2) and (3) and 32A (2) and (3) of Part 1 of Schedule 1 of LASPO
Organisations interested in delivering these services must complete the Expression of Interest document and return it by the deadline of 12pm on 12 January 2017 to:
The Expression of Interest document is available on this page under ‘Documents’.
8 December 2016 - Housing and Debt Services Expressions of Interest open today for Warrington and Halton and Calderdale
We have today published expression of interest documents for the delivery of face to face Housing and Debt Services in the Warrington and Halton and Calderdale procurement areas.
We are inviting expressions of interest from organisations who currently hold a 2013 Standard Civil Contract and would be interested in delivering housing and debt services in Warrington and Halton and/or Calderdale.
This opportunity is open all holders of the 2013 Standard Civil Contract. It is not limited to current housing and debt providers
We are interested in hearing both from organisations able to meet the requirements of the 2013 Standard Civil Contract in full, and also from those who feel unable to fully meet the permanent presence or the supervisor requirements.
Organisations interested in delivering these services must complete the relevant expression of interest document and return it by the deadline of 12 noon on Thursday 22 December 2016 to:
The expression of interest documents are available on this page under ‘Documents’.
25 October 2016 - Housing and Debt Services Expression of Interest opens today for Cambridgeshire
We have today published an Expressions of Interest document for the delivery of face to face Housing and Debt Services in the Cambridgeshire procurement area.
We are inviting Expressions of Interest from organisations who currently hold a 2013 Standard Civil Contract and would be interested in delivering Housing and Debt services in this procurement area.
This opportunity is open all holders of the 2013 Standard Civil Contract. It is not limited to current Housing and Debt providers
We are interested in hearing both from organisations able to meet the requirements of the 2013 Standard Civil Contract in full, and also from those who feel unable to fully meet the Permanent Presence or the Supervisor requirements.
Organisations interested in delivering these services must complete the Expression of Interest document and return it by the deadline of 12 noon on Tuesday 8 November 2016 to:
The Expression of Interest document is available on this page under ‘Documents’.
28 April 2016 - Housing and debt services expression of interest opens for Surrey
We have today published an ‘Expressions of Interest’ document for the delivery of face to face housing and debt services in the Surrey procurement area.
We are inviting expressions of interest from organisations who currently hold a 2013 Standard Civil Contract and would be interested in delivering housing and debt services in this procurement area.
This opportunity is open to all holders of the 2013 Standard Civil Contract. It is not limited to current housing and debt providers.
We are interested in hearing both from organisations able to meet the requirements of the 2013 Standard Civil Contract in full, and also from those who feel unable to fully meet the ‘permanent presence’ or the ‘supervisor’ requirements.
Organisations interested in delivering these services must complete the ‘Expression of Interest’ document and return it by the deadline of 12pm on Thursday 12 May 2016 to:
The ‘Expression of Interest’ document is available on this page under ‘Documents’.
31 March 2016 - Housing and Debt Services Expression of Interest opens today for the City of Kingston Upon Hull
We have today published an Expressions of Interest document for the delivery of face to face Housing and Debt Services in the City of Kingston upon Hull procurement area.
We are inviting Expressions of Interest from organisations who currently hold a 2013 Standard Civil Contract and would be interested in delivering Housing and Debt services in this procurement area.
This opportunity is open to all holders of the 2013 Standard Civil Contract. It is not limited to current Housing and Debt providers.
We are interested in hearing both from organisations able to meet the requirements of the 2013 Standard Civil Contract in full, and also from those who feel unable to fully meet the Permanent Presence or the Supervisor requirements.
Organisations interested in delivering these services must complete the Expression of Interest document and return it by the deadline of 12 noon on Thursday 14 April 2016 to:
The Expression of Interest document is available on this page under ‘Documents’.
29 January 2016 – Outcome of 2015 Standard Civil Contract tender
We have today published the outcome of the 2015 Standard Civil Contract tender to deliver face to face Actions Against the Police etc, Clinical Negligence and Public Law Services in England and Wales from 1 November 2015.
A list of all 2015 Standard Civil contract holders can be found on this page under ‘Documents’.
If you are a contract holder who bid for Lot 1 allocations, we confirm that you have the authority to self-grant up to an additional 50% of your allocation of matter starts. Whilst this was not stated on the contract documentation initially issued, the new schedules that cover 1 April 2016 to 31 March 2017 will reflect this authority.
28 October – 2015 Standard Civil Contract Update
June - Notification of 2015 Standard Civil Contracts Tender Outcomes
Organisations will be notified from 4 July 2015 of the outcome of the tender for Action Against the Police etc, Public Law and Clinical Negligence Services in England and Wales with Contract Start Date from 1 November 2015.
Notification letters will be sent via the eTendering system to all Applicant Organisations that submitted a Tender. Letters will include a request for any outstanding information required to verify an Applicant Organisation’s Tender ahead of contract documentation being issued.
Where an Applicant Organisation has been unsuccessful, rights of appeal are limited and set out at paragraph 10.34 of the Information for Applicants (IFA) document. Details of how to submit an appeal will be included in notification letters sent to unsuccessful Applicant Organisations. If you have been unsuccessful and consider that a right of appeal applies and you wish to appeal you must use the appeals pro forma found at the top of this page.
23 December 2014 - Frequently Asked Questions document published
We have today published a Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) document that applies to the procurement of actions against the police etc, clinical negligence and Public Law services in England and Wales from 1 November 2015. This document gives answers to common questions received through the eTendering system message boards.
The FAQ document can be found on this page under ‘Documents’.
The deadline for asking questions about the content of the tender or Information for Applicants document (IFA) was 12 noon on 16 December. The LAA is unable to respond to any questions received after this date.
Many questions will be answered by the information given in the IFA, which is also available on this page under ‘Documents’.
Organisations that have technical queries about using the eTendering system can continue to contact the helpdesk on 0800 368 4850 or
The deadline for responses to this tender is 12 noon on Friday 23 January 2015.
10 December 2014 - Publication of a notice to correct an error in the IFA
We’ve published a notice to correct errors in the IFA document and the ITTs in the eTendering system.
This notice and a corrected version of the IFA can be found above.
Applicant organisations that have already submitted an ITT response should note that they will need to respond again to the relevant questions in the Civil 2015 Qualification ITT and/or category-specific ITT and resubmit their tender response prior to the deadline of 12pm on 23 January 2015.
1 December 2014 – Invitation to Tender issued for civil face-to-face contracts from November 2015
We are now issuing an Invitation to Tender to those organisations that wish to deliver actions against the police, public law or clinical negligence services from November 2015.
The procurement process is open from Monday 1 December 2014 until 12 noon on Friday 23 January 2015. Successful applicant organisations will be awarded a 2015 Standard Civil Contract which will start on 1 November 2015.
Existing contracts to deliver these services will come to an end on 31 October 2015. This means that any organisation that wants to carry out services in these categories after that date will need to have successfully tendered and been awarded a new civil legal aid contract for these areas of law.
Further information including the criteria and how to tender will be available on this page and in the eTendering system.
24 October 2014 – Tender process for civil face to face contracts from November 2015 to open 1 December 2014
We have today published an advert for the forthcoming tender process for organisations wishing to deliver actions against the police, public law or clinical negligence services from November 2015
Existing contracts to deliver these services come to an end on 31 October 2015. To carry out services in these categories after that date, organisations will need to have successfully tendered and been awarded a new civil legal aid contract in these categories of law to commence from 1 November 2015.
The procurement process will open on 1 December 2014 and close at 12pm on 23 January 2015.
Further information including the criteria and how to tender will be available on this page and in the eTendering system on 1 December.
25 September 2014 – Headline intentions for remaining categories operating under the 2010 Standard Civil Contract published
We have published a headline intentions document which sets out the approach for the remaining categories still operating under the 2010 Standard Civil Contract.
The headline intentions document can be found above.
12 September 2014 – Suffolk face-to-face housing and debt services EOI opens
We have published an EOI to deliver housing and debt services in Suffolk.
Further details and an EOI document can be found above.
Updates to this page
Expressions of Interest open today for Housing & Debt Services in Buckinghamshire and HPCDS services in Milton Keynes and Blackpool & Preston.
Outcome of tender published.
Notice of outcome: Expression of interest for supplementary matter starts for miscellaneous work to deliver legal help relating to trafficking and modern day slavery compensation claims published.
London and Kent immigration and asylum services expression of interest opens.
Housing and Debt Services Expression of Interest opens today for North Hertfordshire.
Expression of Interest opens today for Supplemenatary Matter Starts for Miscellaneous work relating to trafficking and modern day slavery compensation claims.
Housing and Debt Services Expressions of Interest open today for Warrington and Halton and Calderdale.
Housing and Debt Services Expression of Interest opens today for Cambridgeshire.
Surrey housing and debt services expression of interest notice published.
Housing and debt EOI added for Oxford and Kingston upon Hull.
2015 Standard Civil Contract tender outcome published.
Headline intentions for alignment of face to face civil contracts published.
Updated to include 2015 standard civil tender appeals form.
Frequently Asked Questions document published
2015 Standard Civil Contract: information for applicants document updated and amendment notice published.
1 Dec 2012: IFA and postcode tool added for 2015 contract tender.
Invitation to respond to the tender to deliver face-to-face legal aid services in actions against the police,clinical negligence and public law in England and Wales from November 2015 advert published.
Headline intentions for remaining categories operating under the 2010 Standard Civil Contract published.
First published.