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Multi-year clean maritime demonstration competition

Research and development match-funding to support the design and development of clean maritime solutions towards commercialisation.


Clean maritime demonstration competition (CMDC) winners round 4: strands 1, 2 and 3

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Clean maritime demonstration competition (CMDC) winners round 3: strands 1 and 2

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Clean maritime demonstration competition (CMDC) winners round 2: strands 1 and 2

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Clean maritime demonstration competition (CMDC) winners round 1: strands 1 and 2

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The first round of the Clean Maritime Demonstration Competition (CDMC) launched in March 2021 and ended in March 2022. It allocated up to £23,259,000 funding to 55 projects across the UK to deliver feasibility studies and technology trials in clean maritime solutions. The projects comprised 208 partners from across the UK and represent a total investment of £33.5 million.

The second round of the CMDC launched in May 2022 and ended in August 2023. It allocated £12 million funding to 31 projects to deliver feasibility studies and pre-deployment trials in innovative clean maritime solutions. The projects comprised 121 partners from across the UK and represent a total investment of £20.8 million.

The third round of the CMDC launched in September 2022 and ends in March 2025. It will allocate £60 million funding to 19 projects to deliver technology and system demonstrations in clean maritime solutions. The projects comprise 93 partners from across the UK and represent a total investment of £89.9 million.

The fourth round of the CMDC launched in July 2023 and ends in March 2025. It will allocate £33 million for demonstrations, pre-deployment trials and feasibility studies in clean maritime solutions. The projects comprise 143 partners from across the UK and represent a total investment of £49.3 million.

The fifth round of the CMDC is the International Green Corridor Fund (IGCF). The IGCF was announced in September 2023 and has allocated funding for feasibility studies that examine green corridor routes between the UK and international partner countries between 2024 and 2025.

The sixth round of the CMDC was announced on 16 January 2025. It will allocate up to £30 million for pre-deployment trials and feasibility studies in clean maritime solutions between September 2025 and March 2026. It will maintain the momentum generated through the UK SHORE programme, supporting technologies to develop towards commercialisation. The competition will be open for applications from 24 January to 16 April 2025. More information on the competition scope, eligibility and how to apply is available on the competition page.

Updates to this page

Published 15 September 2021
Last updated 24 January 2025 + show all updates
  1. Link to the sixth round competition page and announcement added.

  2. Details of fifth and sixth round added.

  3. Round 4 competition winners announced.

  4. Details of fourth round announced.

  5. Round 3 competition winners announced.

  6. New round of competition winners and information about the third round.

  7. Second round of the clean maritime demonstration competition announced.

  8. First published.

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