Transport decarbonisation plan
Plan to decarbonise the entire transport system in the UK.
This plan sets out the government’s commitments and the actions needed to decarbonise the entire transport system in the UK.
It includes:
- our pathway to net zero transport in the UK
- the wider benefits net zero transport can deliver
- the principles that underpin our approach to delivering net zero transport
The plan follows on from Decarbonising transport: setting the challenge, published in March 2020, which laid out the scale of additional reductions needed to deliver transport’s contribution to legally binding carbon budgets and delivering net zero by 2050.
In July 2022 we published Decarbonising transport: one-year-on review which gave a summary of our progress over the 12 months since Decarbonising transport: a better, greener Britain was published and outlined upcoming milestones.
Updates to this page
Additional information on assumptions used to develop decarbonising transport scenarios.
References updated on pages 29 and 208 for clarity and minor text update on the final paragraph of page 132.
First published.