Change group member details for Climate Change Levy
Use the online service or postal form CCL51 to add or remove a Climate Change Levy group member or change a member's details.
Group registration allows individual companies to account for Climate Change Levy (CCL) as part of a group, through one representative member.
If you need to add, remove or change a group member’s details you can either:
- use the online form service
- print the postal form, fill it in by hand and post it to HMRC
To use the online service, you need a Government Gateway user ID and password. If you do not have a user ID, you can create one when you use the service.
Email HMRC to ask for this form in Welsh (Cymraeg).
Related forms and guidance
You can use these forms to:
- register for Climate Change Levy with HMRC (CCL1)
- set up a group treatment (CCL50)
Find out more about CCL in Excise Notice:
- CCL1 for a general guide to Climate Change Levy
- CCL1/1 about registering for Climate Change Levy