Corporate report

Coal Authority public body review 2024: recommendations and conclusions

Published 14 November 2024

A stage 1 review concluded that the Coal Authority is in good health. It has plans and processes in place to meet minimum requirements for an arm’s length body (ALB).

A total of 8 recommendations were identified, to improve efficiency, governance and accountability processes. The recommendations aim to ensure that the Coal Authority and DESNZ continue to maintain a strong sponsorship arrangement.

This stage 1 review did not indicate the need for a full-scale review of the Coal Authority at this time.

1. Efficacy

1. To satisfy the Public Sector Equality Duty (PSED), the Coal Authority should sufficiently and formally evidence the impact the organisation has had on the public through delivery of services, engaging with departmental PSED champions as needed.

2. The DESNZ senior policy sponsors should identify and facilitate additional opportunities to further align the Coal Authority with departmental aims through increased joined up strategic engagement across DESNZ policy directorates / DG areas, plus other departments and arm’s length bodies where appropriate.

3. The Coal Authority, with the support of the DESNZ Implementation and Delivery Directorate, should undertake a portfolio review of capability to provide assurance in light of the substantial business cases at Portfolio and Investment Committee (PIC) and to identify any skills and/or capacity issues.

2. Efficiency

4. The Coal Authority’s Audit and Risk Assurance Committee should continue to review the effectiveness of the organisation’s counter-fraud processes, given the regular reporting of nil returns. Any prevented fraud should also be captured and reported. If nil returns continue by end of March 2025, the organisation should seek further support from the DESNZ counter-fraud team and the Public Sector Fraud Authority.

3. Governance

5. The Coal Authority should ensure that a Chair led Board Effectiveness Review (BER) is carried out annually, in line with the Cabinet Office guidance for public bodies, and have an appropriate degree of input from the Department at all levels.

6. The Coal Authority should work with the DESNZ policy Sponsor Team and Partnerships Team to develop a clearly articulated strategic 5-year succession plan for the board. This should consider the skills and experience needs of the board now, and in the future, to ensure there is a clear strategy and pipeline around public appointments.

4. Accountability

7. The Sponsor Team should consider the correct balance and content of sponsorship engagement at all levels, especially with senior sponsors, to increase strategic engagement and awareness of risks, board activity etc.

8. Given attendance at board meetings by the department are periodic (that is, around 3 times a year) it is recommended that the Sponsor Team consider increasing the regularity of attendance at board meetings as per the code of good practice guidance note (5.14) for Corporate governance in central government departments.