
Notice by the Secretary of State under section 52 of the National Parks and Access to the Countryside Act 1949 Cremyll to Kingswear, length CKW1

Updated 6 March 2024

Applies to England


On 15 January 2020 Natural England submitted a compendium of coastal access reports relating to the stretch of coast between Cremyll to Kingswear to the Secretary of State for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs under section 51 of the National Parks and Access to the Countryside Act 1949 (“the 1949 Act”), pursuant to its duty under section 296(1) of the Marine and Coastal Access Act 2009 (“the 2009 Act”). 

This determination only relates to length CKW1. Proposals for lengths CKW2, CKW3, CKW4, CKW6, CKW7 and CKW8 were approved on 13 January 2021. Lengths CKW5 and CKW9 were approved on 1 November 2023.

In reaching a determination under section 52 of the 1949 Act the Secretary of State has considered:

a. Cremyll to Kingswear length report CKW1 – part of Natural England’s coastal access report compendium for Cremyll to Kingswear submitted to the Secretary of State on 15 January 2020

b. in accordance with paragraph 16(1)(a) of the Schedule, the objections which the appointed person determined to be an admissible objection

c. in accordance with paragraph 16(1)(b) of the Schedule, Natural England’s comments on the admissible objections which it sent to the Secretary of State

d. in accordance with paragraph 16(1)(c) of the Schedule, the reports given to the Secretary of State by the appointed person in respect of the objections which the appointed person determined to be an admissible objection

e. in accordance with paragraph 16(1)(d) of the Schedule, representations made by a person within paragraph 2(2)(b) to (f) of the Schedule and the summary of other representations made, and Natural England’s comments on those representations which it sent to the Secretary of State in June 2020.

In this notice –

(a)  “objection” means an objection about the coastal access report which is made under paragraph 3 of Schedule 20 of the Marine and Coastal Access Act 2009; and

(b) “representation” means a representation about the coastal access report which is made under paragraph 7 of Schedule 20 of the Marine and Coastal Access Act 2009.

Secretary of State’s approval of coastal access proposals

The Secretary of State has determined to approve those proposals for the route and associated coastal margin as set out in length report CKW1.

In the respects specified in the objection set out at Annex A to this notice, the Secretary of State determines that the proposals set out in the coastal access report do not fail to strike a “fair balance” as a result of the matters specified in the objections. The Secretary of State therefore approves the proposals set out in the coastal access report so far as they relate to those parts of the route (and associated coastal margin) to which the objection relates.   

Where proposals are approved in full, the additional conclusions and observations of the Secretary of State in relation to the representations are set out at Annex B to this notice.

The Secretary of State has made available at

a. a copy of this notice

b. The reports on the objections given to them by the appointed person

c. Representations made by a person within paragraph 2(2)(b) to (f) of the Schedule, and Natural England’s comments on those representations, which it sent to the Secretary of State in June 2020

d. Summary of other representations, and Natural England’s comments on those representations, which it sent to the Secretary of State in June 2020

Natural England has also made available here:

e. Cremyll to Kingswear - the compendium of coastal access reports

Annex A: Objections which did not fail to strike a ‘fair balance’ 

Objection Reference: MCA/CKW1/O/1/CKW2794
The land in the Report to which the objection relates are route sections CKW-1-S022 to CKW-1-S025. The Secretary of State notes the consideration and recommendation of the appointed person in regard to this objection and approves the proposals in relation to this route section.  

Objection Reference: MCA/CKW1/O/2/CKW0178
The land in the Report to which the objection relates are route sections CKW-1-S022 to CKW-1-S025. The Secretary of State notes the consideration and recommendation of the appointed person in regard to this objection and approves the proposals in relation to this route section.

Annex B: Conclusions and observations on representations

Representation number: MCA/CKW1/R/6/CKW2871

Organisation/ person making representation:
Plymouth Local Access Forum (also Plymouth Area Representative for the South West Coast Path Association)

Route section(s) specific to this representation:
CKW-1-S022 to CKW-1-S025

Secretary of State’s conclusion and observation:
The Secretary of State appreciates the active involvement of the Plymouth Local Access Forum in endorsing the preferred coastal path route through Marina Village and the Royal National Lifeboat Institution building, aligned with the aims of the King Charles III England Coast Path and benefiting individuals with mobility issues.

Representation number:  MCA/CKW1/R/7/CKW2660

Organisation/ person making representation:
Ramblers Association Devon

Route section(s) specific to this representation:
CKW-1-S022 to CKW-1-S025 and CKW-1-S031

Secretary of State’s conclusion and observation:
The Secretary of State thanks The Ramblers Association for their valuable input and support in advocating for the proposed coastal path alignment and their engagement in the development process.

Representation number:   MCA/CKW1/R/12/CKW2658

Organisation/ person making representation:
Plymouth City Council

Route section(s) specific to this representation:
All route sections in CKW1; CKW-1-S007 & CKW-1-S008; CKW-1-S020 & CKW-1-S021; CKW-1-S022 to CKW-1-S025

Secretary of State’s conclusion and observation:
The Secretary of State thanks Plymouth City Council for their proactive engagement and endorsement of proposed coastal path route sections, as well as for their commitment to address local concerns, further strengthening the envisioned coastal path experience.

Representation numbers:  MCA/CKW1/R/1/CKW2873, MCA/CKW1/R/2/CKW2875, MCA/CKW1/R/3/CKW2876, MCA/CKW1/R/4/CKW2877, MCA/CKW1/R/5/CKW2878, MCA/CKW1/R/9/CKW2687

Organisation/ person making representation:
[redacted] [redacted] [redacted] , Active for All [redacted[ , Improving Lives Plymouth [redacted] , Old Plymouth Society [redacted], South West Coast Path Association

Route section(s) specific to this representation:
CKW-1-S022 to CKW-1-S025

Secretary of State’s conclusion and observation:
The Secretary of State thanks the Walking for Health Group, the South West Coast Path Association, and other endorsing individuals and organisations for their valuable support and input in favour of the proposed coastal path route sections CKW-1-S022 to CKW-1-S025.

Representation ID:  MCA/CKW1/R/1/CKW2873

Organisation/ person making representation:

Name of site:
Stonehouse Peninsula

Report map reference:
CKW 1a

Route sections on or adjacent to the land:
Eastern Kings (Stonehouse Peninsula & Millbay Docks); CKW-1-A001 and CKW-1-S021 to CKW-1-S025

Other reports within stretch to which this representation also relates:

Secretary of State’s conclusion and observation:
The Secretary of State acknowledges the endorsement of the proposed route and the engagement in supporting the current South West Coast Path option until an alternative path is established near the ferry port.

Representation ID:  MCA/CKW1/R/8/CKW2687

Organisation/ person making representation:
[redacted], South West Coast Path Association

Name of site:
Cremyll Street

Report map reference:
CKW 1a

Route sections on or adjacent to the land:
CKW-1-S002 to CKW-1-S010

Other reports within stretch to which this representation also relates:

Secretary of State’s conclusion and observation:
The Secretary of State thanks the South West Coast Path Association for their valuable input, endorsement, and support in advocating for the proposed route relocation along Cremyll Street, enhancing the coastal experience for walkers.

Representation ID: MCA/CKW1/R/10/CKW2687

Organisation/ person making representation:
[redacted], South West Coast Path Association

Name of site:
Plym Estuary

Report map reference:
CKW 1b

Route sections on or adjacent to the land:
Between route sections CKW-1-S031 and CKW-2-S001

Other reports within stretch to which this representation also relates:

Secretary of State’s conclusion and observation:
The Secretary of State thanks the South West Coast Path Association for their acknowledgement and support of our proposals regarding the South West Coast Path route around the Plym Estuary and the Barbican-Mount Batten ferry for the coastal path, and for their positive engagement in the development process.

Representation ID:  MCA/CKW1/R/11/CKW0008

Organisation/ person making representation:
The Disabled Ramblers

Name of site:

Report map reference:
Map CKW 1a Cremyll to East Quay
Map CKW 1b East Quay to Mount Batten Point

Route sections on or adjacent to the land:
Report CKW 1: All route sections generally.
Map CKW 1a, route sections CKW-1-S012, and CKW-1-S014 junction with CKW-1- S015.

Other reports within stretch to which this representation also relates:

Secretary of State’s conclusion and observation:
The Secretary of State acknowledges the concerns raised by the Disabled Ramblers regarding accessibility issues along the proposed coast path route, particularly in areas like the Royal William Yard. The Secretary of State notes that Natural England is actively collaborating with Plymouth City Council and the Disabled Ramblers to address these concerns, discussing potential modifications and enhancements, including a step-free diversion and repositioning of bollards at the Royal William Yard, to ensure better accessibility for mobility vehicles and pushchairs along the trail.

Representation ID:  MCA/CKW Stretch/R/2/CKW2633

Organisation/ person making representation:
Devon Countryside Access Forum

Route section(s) specific to this representation:
CKW stretch

Other reports within stretch to which this representation also relates:

Secretary of State’s conclusion and observation:
The Secretary of State thanks the Devon Countryside Access Forum for their valuable insights and recommendations regarding the complex roll-back situation.

Representation ID:  MCA/CKW Stretch/R/3/CKW2633

Organisation/ person making representation:
Devon Countryside Access Forum

Route section(s) specific to this representation:
CKW stretch

Other reports within stretch to which this representation also relates:
CKW2 to CKW4 and CKW6 to CKW9

Secretary of State’s conclusion and observation:
The Secretary of State thanks the Devon Countryside Access Forum for their valuable suggestion to provide comprehensive information about ferries and alternative options, which will enhance the experience of individuals undertaking long-distance walks along the coast path. The Secretary of State notes Natural England’s commitment to collaborate with the access authority and the South West Coast Path Association during the implementation phase to ensure comprehensive ferry and alternative options information is readily available for coast path users. This effort will include the installation of new signs and information boards at specific locations, aimed at enhancing walker safety and providing crucial information, as evidenced by the improvements made at the Mothecombe and Wonwell slipways to address river fording conditions.

Representation ID:   MCA/CKW Stretch/R/1/CKW2633

Organisation/ person making representation:
Devon Countryside Access Forum

Route section(s) specific to this representation:
CKW stretch

Other reports within stretch to which this representation also relates:
CKW2 to CKW8

Secretary of State’s conclusion and observation:
The Secretary of State acknowledges the valuable input from the Devon Countryside Access Forum, highlighting the importance of clear and appropriate signage, as well as the encouragement for map availability, in enhancing the navigation and overall experience along the coast path. The Secretary of State appreciates their insights and commitment to improving trail wayfinding during the implementation process.

Representation ID:   MCA/CKW Stretch/R/4/CKW2633

Organisation/ person making representation:
Devon Countryside Access Forum

Route section(s) specific to this representation:
CKW stretch

Other reports within stretch to which this representation also relates:
CKW2 to CKW8

Secretary of State’s conclusion and observation:
The Secretary of State acknowledges the Devon Countryside Access Forum’s recommendation for the provision of comprehensive information about ferries and alternative options to support individuals undertaking long-distance walks.