Supporting public health: children, young people and families
Documents to help local authorities and providers commission and deliver maternal and child public health services from preconception up to 24 years.
Applies to England
These documents have been updated to reflect new policy drivers and evidence. The documents identify:
- 6 areas where local maternity systems have the highest impact on the health and wellbeing of women and their babies from preconception to 6 to 8 weeks post-partum
- 6 areas where health visitors have the highest impact on the health and wellbeing of children aged 0 to 5 years
- 6 areas where school nurses have the highest impact on the health and wellbeing of school aged children aged 5 to 19 years
The high impact areas support delivery of Healthy Child Programme: preconception to 6 to 8 weeks, the Healthy Child Programme: pregnancy and the first 5 years of life and Healthy Child Programme: from 5 to 24 years old.
For further information for providers and commissioners across the Healthy Child Programme, access the pathways for healthy pregnancy, speech and language and health visiting.
Download the pathway and infographic for understanding female genital mutilation (FGM) to help midwives, health visitors, school nurses and practice nurses support women and girls at risk of or following FGM.
The documents are mainly intended for use by commissioners of health visiting and school nursing, and local authorities, to ensure that health visiting and school nursing services are commissioned effectively.
Commissioning children and young people’s public health services is the responsibility of the local authority.
Updates to this page
Added Care continuity between midwifery and health visiting guidance.
Added 6 new early years and 6 new school-aged years HIA guides, the Health visiting and school nursing service delivery model and Population health needs assessment documents.
Added 6 new PDFs about maternity high impact areas.
Updated to include the 6 maternity high impact area guides.
Updated set of (13) documents to reflect new policy drivers and evidence.
Updated high impact area guidance for early years, added documents for school aged years high impact areas and links to supporting infographics.
First published.