Policy paper

Interministerial Group for Trade Communiqué: 16 April 2024

Updated 4 September 2024

This was published under the 2022 to 2024 Sunak Conservative government

The Interministerial Group (Trade) met on 16 April 2024 via video conference. The meeting was chaired by Minister of State for Trade Policy and Minister for London, the Rt Hon Greg Hands MP.

The other attending ministers were:

  • from the Welsh Government: Cabinet Secretary for Economy, Energy, and Welsh Language, Jeremy Miles MS
  • from the Northern Ireland Executive: Minister for the Economy, Conor Murphy MLA
  • from the UK government: Parliamentary Under Secretary of State for Wales, Fay Jones MP
  • from the UK government: Minister of State for Northern Ireland, Steve Baker MP
  • from the UK government: Parliamentary Under Secretary of State for Scotland, Lord Donald Cameron of Lochiel

Ministers from the Scottish Government were obliged to send apologies and were represented by officials.

Ministers discussed the ongoing negotiations and engagements with bilateral and multilateral trading partners. Minister Hands, with support from relevant chief and deputy chief negotiators, led discussions of the ongoing trade policy work in relation to: 

  • outcomes of the recent 13th Ministerial Conference (MC13)
  • the UK-India free trade agreement (FTA)
  • the UK-Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) free trade agreement (FTA)

Ministers agreed to reconvene quarterly.