Statutory guidance
Guidance on competence 2021 - Summary of levels
Updated 1 July 2021
1. Level 1 - Asylum and protection
1.1 Work permitted
- Notifying UKVI of a change of address
- Straightforward applications to vary the conditions attached to leave already granted, including conditions attached to bail granted by the Secretary of State
- Straightforward applications for leave in line or refugee status in line for the UK born children of refugees and people with humanitarian protection
1.2 Work not permitted
- Applications for Asylum or Family Reunion
- Settlement (protection route) applications
- Lodging notices of appeal and substantive appeals work including making representations to, or appearing before, courts or tribunals
- Representations in relation to leave to enter or remain for illegal entrants or overstayers.
- Applications for release from detention or applications to prevent removal or deportation from the UK.
- Judicial Review
2. Level 1 - Immigration
2.1 Work permitted
- Basic applications for entry clearance, leave to enter or remain in the UK.
- Applications for Administrative Review, apart from applications refused on the basis of credibility or a fundamental issue of the genuineness of documents or relationships
- Straightforward applications to vary the conditions attached to leave already granted, including conditions attached to bail granted by the Secretary of State
2.2 Work not permitted
- Lodging notices of appeal and substantive appeals work including making representations to, or appearing before, courts or tribunals
- Representations in relation to leave to enter or remain for illegal entrants or overstayers. Applications for release from detention or applications to prevent removal or deportation from the UK.
- Judicial Review
3. Level 2 - Asylum and protection
3.1 Work permitted
- All aspects of asylum applications and related Human Rights Act (HRA) applications, Case Resolution and Active Review.
- Lodging notices of appeal and Statements of Additional grounds
- Family Reunion and Settlement (protection route) applications
- Representations to UKVI, on illegal entry, overstayers, removal and deportation cases and applications for Secretary of State bail
3.2 Work not permitted
- Substantive appeals work including making representations to, or appearing before, courts or tribunals
- Applications for Immigration bail before the First-tier Tribunal
- Judicial Review
4. Level 2 - Immigration
4.1 Work permitted
- Discretionary and complex applications. Out-of-time applications and concessionary policies
- Lodging notices of appeal and Statements of Additional Grounds
- All applications for Administrative Review
- Representations to UKVI, on illegal entry, overstayers, removal and deportation cases and applications for Secretary of State bail
4.2 Work not permitted
- Substantive appeals work including making representations to, or appearing before, courts or tribunals
- Applications for Immigration bail before the First-tier Tribunal
- Judicial Review
5. Level 3 - Asylum and protection
5.1 Work permitted
- All aspects of asylum applications and related Human Rights Act (HRA) applications.
- Lodging Notices of Appeal
- Family Reunion and Settlement (protection route) applications
- Representations to UKVI, on illegal entry, overstayers, removal and deportation cases, applications for bail to the Secretary of State and First-tier Tribunal
- Substantive appeals work, including representation at First-tier and Upper Tribunal hearings and specialist casework
- Pre-action protocol letters in advance of Judicial Review
5.2 Work not permitted
Judicial review
6. Level 3 - Immigration
6.1 Work permitted
- Discretionary and complex applications. Out -of-time applications, concessionary policies, lodging notices of appeal and Statements of Additional Grounds
- Representations to UKVI, on illegal entry, overstayers, removal and deportation cases and applications for bail to the Secretary of State and First –tier Tribunal
- All applications for Administrative Review
- Substantive appeals work, including representation at First-tier and Upper Tribunal hearings and specialist casework
- Pre-action protocol letters in advance of Judicial Review
6.2 Work not permitted
- Judicial review
7. Level 3 - Judicial review case management
7.1 Work permitted
- Instruct appropriate counsel through the Licensed Access scheme to provide litigation and advocacy services to the client
- Support instructed counsel in the preparation of the client’s case and administration of the matter
- Instruct appropriate counsel where an urgent application is required
- Instruct counsel to seek reconsideration of a decision to refuse a full hearing or to seek permission to appeal to the Court of Appeal
7.2 Work not permitted
- Litigation and advocacy elements of Judicial Review applications
- Formal steps related to Judicial Review proceedings
- Judicial Review case management of categories of work in which the adviser is not authorised at Level 3