
Defence Innovation Loans: Checklist

Updated 16 July 2024

In order to ensure your application for a Defence Innovation Loan is eligible, as part of your application you will be asked to confirm you have met the criteria in the checklist below. Please contact DASA if you have any queries about any of the criteria (further details can be found in the competition document here.

  • The application is made in the name of a single UK registered SME.
  • The results will be either exploited in the UK, or exploited overseas to make a significant and positive impact on the UK economy and / or productivity.
  • The loan amount requested is between £100k and £1 million.
  • Only one single Defence Innovation Loan has been applied for, and no Innovate UK loan has been requested for the same project.
  • There is no procurement, commercial, business development or supply chain activity with any Russian entity as lead, partner or subcontractor. This includes any goods or services originating from a Russian source. (Under current restrictions, this competition will not fund such activities.)
  • There is a strong defence need that is demonstrated in the application.
  • The person submitting the application has authority to act on behalf of the company in whose name the application is being made.
  • The applicant has made contact with DASA’s Access to Mentoring and Finance team, which has confirmed the application’s suitability for the Defence Innovation Loans competition.