Competition: Telexistence
DASA is looking to demonstrate the components of a telexistence solution to the defence and security community
This Defence and Security Accelerator (DASA) competition, run on behalf of the Defence Science and Technology Laboratory (Dstl), aims to develop and demonstrate the components of a telexistence solution to the defence and security community. There is the potential for this competition (Phase 1) to be followed by a second competition (Phase 2) which will invite proposals to tailor their telexistence systems to meet a defence and security use case.
£650k is available for this Phase 1 to fund multiple proposals, with projects completing by 31 May 2021 and showcasing their innovation at a demonstration event to be held in the UK. We anticipate bids to be no more than £100k, but we have not set an upper threshold for the amount of proposals which may be funded as part of this Phase 1 competition. Please discuss with a DASA Innovation Partner if your proposal is over £100k. This call closes at midday GMT on Thursday 19 November 2020.