Property Continuous Improvement Assessment Framework
The guidance and scoring tool is intended to support all government organisations that hold property assets
The framework is intended to support all government organisations that hold property assets: it provides them with an approach to assessing their maturity against the Government Functional Standard GovS 004, Property. Use of the standard is mandatory, and organisations should comply with minimum requirements, if possible aspiring to higher (‘better’ or ‘best’) levels of performance.
Outputs from assurance reviews within Departments or Arms Length Bodies are expected to feed into forward planning, in the form of the Strategic Asset Management Plan for the organisation, so taking account of needs, objectives, capacity and capability, resources, assets, structures and governance.
The Continuous Improvement Assessment Framework document supports the Government Functional Standard for Property, GovS 004 which sets expectations for the management of all government property assets held by or on behalf of government departments and their arm’s length bodies.
The accompanying Property Assessment Framework Scoring Tool should be used to support a self-assessment for your organisation.
This assessment framework should be read in conjunction with all the relevant government functional standards. The full suite of functional standards and associated guidance can be found at GOV.UK government functional standards.
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Updated the document 'GovS 004: Continuous Improvement Assessment Framework Guidance' and the section 'Practice area 7.4: Governance in separate jurisdictions, within UK and Overseas'
GovS 004: Property Assessment Framework Scorecard has been updated to the latest version
The file 'GovS 004: Property Assessment Framework Scorecard' has been replaced with an updated version.
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