Contribution of the digital communications sector to economic growth and productivity in the UK
As part of the Communications Review, DCMS commissioned consultancy firm, Frontier Economics, to conduct some analysis on the contribution of…
As part of the Communications Review, DCMS commissioned consultancy firm, Frontier Economics, to conduct some analysis on the contribution of the communications sector to economic growth and productivity in the UK.
The research is presented in two papers: a short stand-alone paper summarising and contextualising the key findings; and a technical paper containing the methodology and more detailed data analysis.
The papers demonstrate how the communications sector forms a significant part of the UK economy, and also contributes to growth in other sectors through facilitating a wide range of activities. The paper also sets out how the analysis of available data undertaken by Frontier Economics suggests that a 1% increase in communications investment could be linked to a 0.05/0.06% increase in overall UK economic growth.
The finding of the reports will feed into our ongoing Communications Review work.
Full Report: Contribution of the digital communications sector to economic growth and productivity in the UK (PDF 340kb)
Frontier Economics, September 2011 -
Economic Analysis Paper: Contribution of the digital communications sector to economic growth and productivity in the UK (PDF 736kb)
Frontier Economics, September 2011