Court appointee: magistrates' court and crown court claims (CA1)
Forms for claiming back magistrates' and Crown Court costs.
Applies to England and Wales
CA1 form should be used for all claims where the court appointment order has been made on or prior to the 31 December 2023.
The CA2024 form should be used for claims where the court appointment order has been made between the 1 January 2024 and 31 December 2024 only.
The CA2025 form should be used for claims where the court appointment order has been made on or after the 1 January 2025 only.
Email your claim and accompanying documents to:
Updates to this page
A new Court appointee claim form for claims with a date of appointment on or after 1 January 2025.
V5.3 includes a request for a DUNS number
A new CA1 form (v5) has been produced for claim submissions. This follows a review of hourly rates payable for court appointed advocates under s36/38 after a request from the Law Society. We can confirm that reference to the increased Senior Courts Costs Office (SCCO) guideline rates will apply to these claims, along with full travel and waiting rates where appropriate.
CA1 guide and claim form updated
Published updated version of the CA1 form and accompanying guidance.
First published.