
Achos llys, ansolfedd ac atebolrwydd trethi: mynediad i wybodaeth (CIT)

Ffurflen gais CIT: i gael mynediad i wybodaeth i'w defnyddio mewn perthynas ag achosion llys, ansolfedd a rhwymedigaeth treth.

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Achos llys, ansolfedd ac atebolrwydd trethi: mynediad i wybodaeth (CIT)

Gwneud cais am fformat hygyrch.
Os ydych chi'n defnyddio technoleg gynorthwyol (er enghraifft, rhaglen darllen sgrin) a bod angen fersiwn o'r ddogfen hon arnoch mewn fformat mwy hygyrch, e-bostiwch customersupport@mail.landregistry.gov.uk. Rhowch wybod i ni pa fformat sydd ei angen arnoch. Bydd yn ein helpu ni os byddwch chi'n dweud pa dechnoleg gynorthwyol rydych chi'n ei defnyddio.

Achos llys, ansolfedd ac atebolrwydd trethi: mynediad i wybodaeth (CIT)

Gwneud cais am fformat hygyrch.
Os ydych chi'n defnyddio technoleg gynorthwyol (er enghraifft, rhaglen darllen sgrin) a bod angen fersiwn o'r ddogfen hon arnoch mewn fformat mwy hygyrch, e-bostiwch customersupport@mail.landregistry.gov.uk. Rhowch wybod i ni pa fformat sydd ei angen arnoch. Bydd yn ein helpu ni os byddwch chi'n dweud pa dechnoleg gynorthwyol rydych chi'n ei defnyddio.


Defnyddiwch y ffurflen hon os ydych yn un o’r mathau o bobl a restrir yn atodiad 9 Achosion llys, ansolfedd a rhwymedigaeth treth: ceisiadau (CY43) ac rydych am wneud cais i archwilio a chael copïau o ddogfennau a gedwir gan y cofrestrydd neu i wneud chwiliad yn y Mynegai Enwau Perchnogion.

Ffi a chyfeiriad

Anfonwch y ffurflen wedi ei llenwi gyda’r ffi gywir i’n cyfeiriad safonol.

Rhagor o wybodaeth

Darllenwch ragor o wybodaeth yng nghyfarwyddyd ymarfer 43: achosion llys, ansolfedd a rhwymedigaeth treth: ceisiadau.

Updates to this page

Cyhoeddwyd ar 24 October 2014
Diweddarwyd ddiwethaf ar 11 October 2021 + show all updates
  1. Certificate V has been added to the form as an inspector appointed by the Secretary of State under section 15 of the Child Support Act 1991 is now a qualifying applicant under rule 140(1) of the Land Registration Rules 2003.

  2. Certificate A in the form has been amended as an officer or non-commissioned officer within the Force Intelligence & Investigation Unit, Specialist Operations Regiment Royal Military Police is now a qualifying applicant under rule 140(1) of the Land Registration Rules 2003.

  3. Certificate U has been added to the form as a local housing authority applying under the Housing Act 2004 is now a qualifying applicant under rule 140(1) of the Land Registration Rules 2003.

  4. Certificate T has been added to the form to allow local authorities to apply under the Animal Welfare Act 2006.

  5. We have removed certificate T from the form as the Code of Practice provided under the Digital Economy Act 2017 has yet to be met.

  6. We have added certificate T and amended a number of other certificates in the form to add additional qualifying applicants and to take account of provisions in the Digital Services Act 2017 for combatting fraud against the public sector, and to include additional qualifying applicants that have investigatory powers under the Proceeds and Crime Act 2002.

  7. We added a guidance note about our personal information charter, which explains how we process customer data. We also added a guidance note to explain that only professional customers will have a key number.

  8. We have added new certificates R and S to the form that allow applications to be made by the Fire and Rescue Authorities in England and Wales and the Charity Commission. We have also made other changes to certain bodies mentioned in the form.

  9. Certificate Q in the form has been amended as a result of the Bank of England and Financial Services (Consequential Amendments) Regulations 2017.

  10. The amendments are being made as a result of the Secretaries of State for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy, for International Trade and for Exiting the European Union and the Transfer of Functions (Education and Skills) Order 2016. This order transfers of certain functions of the Secretary of State for Business, Innovation and Skills and functions of the Secretary of State for Energy and Climate Change, to the Secretary of State for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy.

  11. Advice as to the completion of the form has been added

  12. Added translation

  13. Certificate Q in the form has been amended as a result of the Financial Services Act 2012 (Consequential Amendments) Order 2014 that came into force on 30 September 2014.

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