Research and analysis

COVID-19 mental health and wellbeing surveillance: report

Routinely updated report about population mental health and wellbeing in England during the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic. The April 2022 release is the last update.

Applies to England


Spotlights: variation within the population


This report is about population mental health and wellbeing in England during the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic. It includes up-to-date information to inform policy, planning and commissioning in health and social care. It is designed to assist stakeholders at national and local level, in both government and non-government sectors.

The report has been regularly updated with the most recent information available, but will not be updated after April 2022.

The Spotlight section includes a series of reports describing different aspects of inequality. These reports were developed during the pandemic. They were up to date at time of publication.

Associated routinely presented data relating to the mental health and wellbeing of the population during the pandemic can be found in the Wider Impacts of COVID-19 on Health (WICH) tool.

The previous version of this report was archived.

We would like to express our thanks to our various partners, without whom this work would not have been possible.

Updates to this page

Published 8 September 2020
Last updated 12 April 2022 show all updates
  1. Updated 'Important findings' to include evidence and analysis that was released into the public domain up to 31 January 2022; updated 'Measures of anxiety, depression, loneliness and life satisfaction' to include weekly data up to 12 February 2022; and updated 'Children and young people' to include evidence and analysis that was released into the public domain up to 25 January 2022.

  2. Updated 'Important findings' to include evidence and analysis that was released into the public domain up to 6 September 2021; updated 'Measures of anxiety, depression, loneliness and life satisfaction' to include studies up to 6 September 2021 and weekly data up to 3 October; and updated 'Children and young people' to include summaries of 4 important papers.

  3. Revised format following user survey. Updated data to 14 June 2021.

  4. Added link to survey.

  5. Updated to include data up to week 7, 2021 (15 February) and new link added to 'Spotlights: variation within the population'.

  6. Updated to include latest data. New Spotlight also added on employment and income.

  7. Updated data to week 46 and new pre-existing mental health conditions spotlight.

  8. All relevant chapters updated. Academic studies included up to 4 September 2020; weekly data may be more recent.

  9. First published.

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