OHID statistics: ad-hoc analyses and data releases
Office for Health Improvement and Disparities (OHID) additional statistical analyses not included in our standard official statistics releases.
Ad-hoc statistical reports which are not part of regular OHID official statistics releases. Findings from these analyses may have been used in briefings, consultations or press and ministerial statements.
Statistics at OHID contains further information, including announcements of upcoming ad-hoc publications.
OHID was formed on 1 October 2021. Ad hoc publications released prior to this date were from Public Health England (PHE).
Alcohol, tobacco and drug use
Child and maternal health
Diet, obesity and physical activity
General public health
Mental health
Primary care
Updates to this page
Added 'Child and family weight management services: April 2021 to May 2023' and 'Perinatal mental health condition prevalence'.
Removed the details of the health and social care consultation.
Added a link to the consultation on statistical products, and 'Gambling treatment need and support: prevalence estimates' to the collection.
Added 'Breastfeeding at 6 to 8 weeks: comparison of NHS England and OHID data', 'Opiate and crack cocaine use: prevalence estimates' and 'Premature mortality during COVID-19 in adults with severe mental illness' to the collection page.
Added 'GP profiles for patients' to the collection.
Added 'Understanding the drivers of healthy life expectancy' to the collection page.
Added 'Increasing blood pressure checks in community pharmacy: cardiovascular disease impact'.
Added 'GP profiles for patients: March 2023 update' to the Primary Care section.
Added 'Mental health and wellbeing JSNA profile: February 2023 update' to the collection page.
Added 'Preconception health among migrant women in England’ to the child and maternal health section.
Added 'Vulnerability in infancy' to the child and maternal health section.
Added 'Small area associations between breastfeeding and obesity'.
First published.