Excess mortality: bespoke analyses
These data are bespoke analyses using the excess mortality methodology and data, but cut in ways which are not included in the regular reports and updates.
Applies to England
The first data set are regional monthly deaths by cause for England. The data is broken into 4 to 5 week periods and the data covers deaths from 4 April 2020 to 7 January 2022.
The second data set are regional monthly deaths by age and cause for England. The data is broken into 4 to 5 week periods and the data covers deaths from 4 April 2020 to 7 January 2022.
The third data set is a supplement to the tool. The workbook contains estimates of excess deaths for 6 broad age groups for other dimensions of inequality reported within the tool. These include by regions, ethnic groups, deprivation quintile, place of death and causes of death.
The fourth data set provides data on excess deaths involving circulatory disease by place of death.
Updates to this page
Data by age group has been updated and replaced. New analysis added for circulatory disease by place of death.
The attachment 'Excess deaths by age groups' has been updated.
Added a third data set with age breakdowns by different measures. This is supplementary to the information in the main reports.
First published.