Excess mortality in England and English regions: March 2020 to December 2023
Analysis estimating excess mortality during and after the COVID-19 pandemic, 20 March 2020 to 29 December 2023.
Applies to England
This analysis is no longer being updated. This is because the methodology and data for baseline measurements is no longer applicable.
From February 2024, excess mortality reporting is available at: Excess mortality within England: post-pandemic method.
Measuring excess mortality: a guide to the main reports details the different analysis available and how and when they should be used for the UK and England.
The data in these reports is from 20 March 2020 to 29 December 2023. The first 2 reports on this page provide an estimate of excess mortality during and after the COVID-19 pandemic in:
- England
- English regions
‘Excess mortality’ in these analyses is defined as the number of deaths that are above the estimated number expected. The expected number of deaths is modelled using 5 years of data from preceding years to estimate the number of death registrations expected in each week.
In both reports, excess deaths are broken down by age, sex, upper tier local authority, ethnic group, level of deprivation, cause of death and place of death. The England report also includes a breakdown by region.
For previous reports, see:
- archive of excess mortality in England weekly reports, 3 July 2020 to 26 February 2021
- archive of regional excess mortality reports from July 2020 to Nov 2021
If you have any comments, questions or feedback, contact us at pha-ohid@dhsc.gov.uk.
Other excess mortality analyses
We also publish a set of bespoke analyses using the same excess mortality methodology and data but cut in ways that are not included in the England and English regions reports on this page.
Updates to this page
This version includes a correction for cause of death data, which updates the analysis for the period covered to 29 December that was not available at time of publishing. Updated the page title to specify the reporting period, as this analysis is no longer being updated.
Analysis updated with the latest available data.
Analysis updated with latest available data.
Analysis updated with latest available data.
Analysis updated with latest available data.
Analysis updated with latest available data.
Analysis updated with latest available data.
Analysis refresh with latest available data
Analysis updated with the latest available data.
Analysis updated with latest available data. Correction implemented to the analysis for the week ending 13 January 2023. Previous estimate of 3,750 excess deaths was reduced by 44%.
Analysis updated with the latest available data.
The analysis in the England and English regions reports have been updated with the latest available data.
Analysis updated with latest available data. A date selector feature has been added to the regional analyses. Added 'Pre-release access list: excess mortality analyses, February 2023'.
Pre-release access list added.
The analysis is updated with data to 30 December 2022.
Updated with the latest available data.
Data updated with latest available figures. In addition to the latest monthly figures, this release also includes minor changes to the previously published figures. The previously published figures have been adjusted to account for the bank holiday associated with the State Funeral of Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II. Also added bespoke analysis which presents the data in a way not available in the main tool. The data in this analysis are split into 3 age groups and 3 distinct periods. They are available broken-down with the full range of measures available in the main report, such as ethnic group and deprivation.
Tool updated with latest available data.
Main reports have been updated with the latest available data.
Data is updated to latest available for the England report only.
The report contains the latest available data.
Main reports updated with latest available data. Bespoke analysis spreadsheets added.
This is an update with the latest available data
First published.