PHE statistics: ad-hoc analyses and data releases
Public Health England (PHE) additional statistical analyses not included in our standard official statistics releases.
Ad-hoc statistical reports which are not part of regular PHE official statistics releases. Findings from these analyses may have been used in briefings, consultations or press and ministerial statements.
Statistics at PHE contains further information, including announcements of upcoming ad-hoc publications.
Alcohol, tobacco and drug use
Child and maternal health
Diet, obesity and physical activity
Infectious diseases
Long-term conditions
Mental health
Mortality surveillance
Sexual and reproductive health
Updates to this page
Added 'Inequalities in child development' and 'School nursing activity and referrals in 2019 to 2020' to the child and maternal health section.
Added links to COVID-19 vaccine surveillance report and COVID-19 Health Inequalities Monitoring in England Tool (CHIME).
Added link to COVID-19 surge testing outcomes reports: management information.
Added 'COVID-19: trend in deaths within 28 days of a positive test' to the collection page.
Added 'Characteristics of children receiving universal health visitor reviews' to the maternal health section.
Added 'Adult excess weight: patterns and trends' to the collection page.
Added 'Chronic pain in adults 2017'.
Added in COVID-19: mental health and wellbeing surveillance report.
Added WICH and Excess Mortality.
Added 'Estimated number of adults who are morbidly obese in England' and 'Smoking prevalence in adults aged 18 years and over: quarterly rolling annual estimates'.
Added National COVID-19 surveillance reports and COVID-19: number of outbreaks in care homes – management information.
Added: 'Adult obesity: patterns and trends'.
Added 3 publications under 'child and maternal health': 'Eating disorders in young people', 'Intentional self poisoning in young people', 'Mental health and self harm in children and young people'.
First published.