Research and analysis

Premature mortality in adults with severe mental illness

Assessing variation in the premature mortality and excess premature mortality for adults with severe mental illness (SMI).



This report presents analysis of the geographical variation in the premature mortality and excess premature mortality for adults aged 18 to 74 years with severe mental illness (SMI) in England.

The report is the first in a series of reports that analyse variation in premature mortality and excess premature mortality for adults with SMI. It is part of a wider programme of work seeking to better understand and effectively measure premature mortality in adults with SMI.

The report is written for:

  • national organisations that lead and develop strategy, policy and guidance for the wellbeing of people with SMI
  • local organisations that plan, manage and deliver preventive, clinical and supportive services for people with SMI
  • local organisations that, along with mental health services, diagnose and treat physical health conditions in people with SMI and support them to live better with these conditions

The data is provided to help local areas understand the needs of their population and to assess if the interventions they put in place are helping to reduce premature mortality in the population with SMI.

We would like to express our thanks to our various partners, without whom this work would not have been possible.

Updates to this page

Published 7 April 2022
Last updated 19 April 2023 show all updates
  1. Updated report analysing and interpreting the latest available data at local level (2018 to 2020) - this data is not new and is already in the public domain in Fingertips. The update includes a new breakdown of the data by age and deprivation.

  2. Added an announcement to advise an update to the report will be published on 19 April 2023

  3. First published.

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