Infection prevention and control in adult social care: acute respiratory infection
Infection prevention and control measures to reduce the spread of viral acute respiratory infections (ARIs), including COVID-19, in adult social care settings.
Applies to England
This guidance sets out the measures that can help to reduce the spread of viral acute respiratory infections, including COVID-19, in adult social care settings in England.
It applies to:
- adult social care providers
- managers of adult social care services
- adult social care staff
The guidance also contains information that is relevant to:
- local authorities
- NHS services
- service users
- personal assistants
- unpaid carers
- visitors in adult social care settings and services
This ARI supplement should be read alongside infection prevention and control (IPC) resource for adult social care
Updates to this page
Removed information on ordering PPE from ‘IPC in adult social care: acute respiratory infection’ to reflect the end of the scheme providing free PPE for COVID-19 needs on 31 March 2024.
Updated 'IPC in adult social care: acute respiratory infection' in line with changes to outbreak testing and testing upon discharge from hospitals into care homes from 1 April 2024. Updated text on visiting to reflect new CQC fundamental standard.
Updated information on termination of testing services.
First published.