Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease (CJD) surveillance update 2021
Updates on enhanced surveillance of potentially iatrogenic CJD exposures -- occasional reports related to human prion disease surveys.
For numbers of CJD case reports, readers should consult data provided by the National CJD Research and Surveillance Unit.
Biannual updates between 2014 and 2021 were published by Public Health England.
Earlier biannual reports (2005 to 2013) are also available.
Updates to this page
Added HPR 16(6) biannual report.
Added Health Protection Report (HPR) 15(7) biannual report (April 2021).
Added Health Protection Report (HPR) 14(3) biannual report.
Added HPR 13(28) biannual report.
Added HPR 13(6) report.
Added HPR 12(30) report: Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease (CJD) biannual update (August 2018).
PR 12(5) report uploaded
HPR 11(29) report uploaded.
HPR 11(6) report uploaded
Added 2 HPR 10(26) reports: CJD biannual update; and summary of the 'Appendix-III' survey results.
HPR 10(6) report uploaded
HPR 9(28) report uploaded
HPR 9(5) report uploaded
First published.