Health Protection Report: latest surveillance reports
Routine reports, and commentary, on data from health protection surveillance schemes.
These are:
- reports comprising microbiological and epidemiological data, including vaccine coverage reports, relating to infectious disease
- reports from the Environmental Health Protection Surveillance System
They are published in the Health Protection Report (HPR):
- Volume 17 (2023)
- Volume 16 (2022)
- Volume 15 (2021)
- Volume 14 (2020)
- Volume 13 (2019)
- Volume 12 (2018)
- Volume 11 (2017)
- Volume 10 (2016)
- Volume 9 (2015)
- Volume 8 (2014)
For volume 7 (2013) and earlier reports, see the HPR archive.
Bacteraemia and healthcare associated infections
Travel-associated infections
STIs, HIV and other BBVs
Chemical and environmental hazards
Reports (including commentary) on data generated by the Environmental Public Health Surveillance System.
Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease (CJD)
Emerging infection hazards and outbreak investigation reports
Updates to this page
Added links to recent publications.
Added seasonal GAS 2023 to 2024 and paediatric BSI surveillance.
Added 'Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease (CJD) surveillance update 2022' to CJD section.
Added new travel-associated infections sub-group.
Routine reordering following recent publications.
Added Respiratory infections: laboratory reports 2022.
Consolidated following publication of latest infection reports.
Added Environmental public health surveillance system.
Added links to November and December 2021 publications.
Added Common animal-associated infections: 2021.
Added COVID-19: impact on childhood vaccinations: data to August 2021.
Updated following recent publications; added 'carbapenemase mechanisms' reports to the Immunisation group.
Added Herpes zoster (shingles) immunisation programme 2019 to 2020: evaluation reports to the immunisation sub-group.
Reordered and updated following publication of latest infection reports.
Added Meningococcal disease: laboratory confirmed cases in England in 2019 to 2020.
Added 'Acute hepatitis B (England) enhanced surveillance reports' to the immunisation group.
Reordered following publication of the latest infection reports.
Reordered and updated following publication of latest infection reports.
Reordered following publication of the latest infection reports.
Reordered following publication of latest infection reports.
Reordered following latest publications.
Added 'Respiratory infections: laboratory reports 2019'.
Reordered headings following latest publications.
New meningococccal, haemophilus and seasonal GAS infections pages inserted. Routine reordering and updating following publication of routine reports.
Added section for Chemical and Environmental Hazards reports from the Environmental Health Protection Surveillance System.
Re-ordered headings following latest publications.
Routine re-ordering following latest HPR publication
Re-ordered headings following latest publications.
Added 'Multi-drug Resistant Gonorrhoea in England: 2018' under STIs, HIV and other BBVs.
Reordered taking account of infection reports recently uploaded
Latest BBVs sentinel surveillance report (HPR 11(26)) added to the renamed sub-group 'STIs, HIV and other BBVs' (previously 'HIV and STIs'.)
Reordering to take account of HPR 10(44) vaccine coverage (COVER and MenACWY) and vaccine preventable disease (meningococcal infections and pertussis) reports
Added publications under 'HIV and STIs' and 'Bacteraemia and healthcare associated infections' and reordered.
Latest routine enteric infections (including enteric fever) and zoonoses reports uploaded.
New enteric and scarlet fever / Group A Streptococcus routine reports uploaded
First enteric infection reports of 2015 added.
HPR 8(48) pertussis and IMD (quarterly), and uncommon pathogens and polybacteraemia (annual), reports added to collection
HPR 8(42) sent hep 2014 document added to immunisation group
Two vaccine uptake reports and one vaccine preventable infection report added, from HPR 8(41)
Added reports on proteus and enterobacter.
Pertussis reports updated
Hep A and C 2013 added
Added link to archived HPR infections reports.
Candidaemia report added.
First published.