Environmental public health tracking
An environmental public health surveillance system that helps collect and collate environmental hazard and health outcome data.
Environmental public health tracking (EPHT) is the use of public health information to support management of environmental hazards and threats to health.
The specific role of EPHT is to collect, collate and analyse environmental health data to inform interventions to reduce the burden of disease. Within this remit, an environmental public health surveillance system (EPHSS) facilitates collection and collation of environmental hazard and health outcome data.
Recent activity and reports
Acute hepatitis of unknown aetiology in children (2022): investigation into exposures from food, drink, and water sources. This report of an investigation of cases of acute hepatitis of unknown aetiology in children in England in 2022 was published alongside the technical briefings for this incident. The report’s focus was on potential environmental exposures which might have contributed to the acute hepatitis cases and should be read alongside the technical briefings and any future findings.
Lead exposure in children: surveillance reports (from 2021)
Environmental Public Health Surveillance System (EPHSS) report for 2020 to 2021
Guidance for investigating non-infectious disease clusters from potential environmental causes
Further details of activity and projects in UKHSA’s environmental public health tracking programme and EPHSS are available in the 2018 report.
Updates to this page
Added recent activity and reports section.
Added EPHSS 2020 to 2021 report.
Added: 'Environmental Public Health Tracking in England: Report on recent activities', and updated 'Environmental public health surveillance system (EPHSS)'.
Added link to new 'Lead exposure in children: surveillance reports'.
Updating the surveillance system description to its current status.
First published.