Streptococcal bacteraemia: annual data from voluntary surveillance
Voluntary surveillance of streptococcal bacteraemia in England.
Applies to England
Analysis of data from voluntary reports of pyogenic and non-pyogenic bacteraemia (including trend data; age, sex and geographical distribution; and antimicrobial susceptibility) for England.
Streptococcal bacteraemia annual reports for previous years were published by Public Health England.
Updates to this page
Added HPR 18(11) report and data for 2023. Page and report title abbreviated.
Added HPR 17(14) report and data for 2022.
Added HPR 16(13) report presenting data up to 2021, and associated data file.
Added HPR 15(19) annual report for England and associated appendix.
Added Health Protection Report (HPR) 14(24).
Added Health Protection Report (HPR) 13(41) annual report and associated appendix.
Corrected data for Northern Ireland Group B streptococcal bacteramia cases in 2017.
Added HPR 12(41) annual report and appendix.
HPR 11(41) report (including appendix) uploaded
HPR 10(41) report, table 4 corrected.
HPR 10(41) report uploaded.
HPR 10(40) Streptococcus pneumoniae annual report uploaded
HPR 9(41) report uploaded
First published.