School leaver booster (Td/IPV): vaccine coverage estimates
Annual reports from the national school leaver booster (tetanus, diphtheria and polio, Td/IPV) vaccination programme for adolescents.
Applies to England
Commentary and coverage data relating to the national school leaver booster (Td/IPV) vaccination programme for adolescents.
Previous reports were published by Public Health England (PHE).
Updates to this page
The year-on-year percentage change in coverage, among Year 10 students, was corrected. (A 6.8% drop in coverage had been suggested whereas the fall in coverage was only 1.4% year-on-year).
Main points, first bullet point (Y9 coverage) corrected.
Added HPR 19(1) annual report for academic year 2023/24 and related data file
Added HPR 18(9) annual report for 2022/23 and associated data file.
Added HPR 17(5) annual report and associated data file.
Added HPR 16(2) annual report and associated data file.
Updated devolved administrations data to end March 2020.
Added HPR 15(5) report, and associated data tables, covering academic year 2019 to 2020.
Added Health Protection Report (HPR) 14(2) report and associated data tables.
Added HPR 13(3) report and associated data tables.
HPR 12(3) VC report and associated data tables uploaded
First published.