Research and analysis

Reported norovirus outbreaks (suspected and lab-confirmed) in hospitals: 2017

Week by week reports of suspected and laboratory-confirmed reported norovirus outbreaks in hospitals, with regional breakdown.



These data are collected through the hospital norovirus outbreak reporting scheme (HNORS).

For previous data see the archive of older reports.

Updates to this page

Published 10 February 2017
Last updated 8 December 2017 show all updates
  1. HPR 11(44) report, weeks 44-47, added.

  2. Uploaded HPR 11(40).

  3. Added HPR 11(36) report.

  4. HPR 11(31) report uploaded

  5. HPR 11(28) uploaded

  6. HPR 11(20) report uploaded

  7. HPR 11(17) report uploaded

  8. HPR 11(14) report uploaded

  9. HPR 11(10) report uploaded

  10. First published.

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